[OH! My, Me!] ✖ Hello, My Kitten ▬ Hwang Hae Rin



[OH! My, Me!] ✖ Hello, My Kitten ▬


{Hwang Hae Rin| Anti-Social Neko | Kim Jaejoong }






✖ general aspect of life
username: nunmuri08
afflink: check it out!
english your first language?: no its my second language
✖ hello, nice to meet you 
full name: Hwang Hae Rin
nickname(s):- Haeni - by her close friends
            - Haeniya - by jaejoong
birthday & age:   20 years old 26 / 08 / 1993 
birthplace: Gwangju Korea
ethnicity:  Japanese-Korean
languages: Japanese, korean, English (fluent) Mandarin and french just the basic greetings
occupation: i dont have a job yet im a neko ^^ but later on ill be a waitress in jaejoong's pub
eduaction: Her master enrolled her in college 
✖ you know you like me
personality: Haerin is a siamese cat who loves to sleep a lot. She is comfortable only to those people close to her who get  enough courage to break her wall that she built to others to get close to her  but once you know her she is a very kind cat or shall we say a very unique one despite the cold facade she is truly a very playful one and likes to ask many question regarding about anything that could catch her curiosity. She rarely laugh but she smiles a lot when she's alone. She wants to look brave but deep inside she's a scaredy cat. She was very loyal in  fact she will stay with you through thick and thin as they say. If there is one thing that could make you remember her is she is a very clumsy cat and unpredictable one ^^]
  • Blue colors
  • teddy bears
  • coin banks
  • ice cream
  • spicy foods
  • white roses
  • coin banks
  • rainy days
  • Bugs and insects especially COCKROACHES!!!!!
  • Sharp objects except her claws ^^
  • cooking
  • too much sweet foods
  • waking up early
  • revealing clothes
  • horror movies
  • Messing or pulling her hair when she is starting to get pissed
  • Stomping her feet when she doesnt like what she was asked to do
  • pouting when she gets disappointed or rejected
  • She laugh while covering with her left hand 
  • Nail clipping when shes nervous
  • Singing
  • painting
  • collecting coin banks
  • collecting different types/kinds of currency
  • Heights
  • deep water
  • cockroach
  • Thunderstorm
  • Her trying to be independent
  • Her cold facade ( makes her look courageous )
  • Her playful personality
  • Her determination and willingness to do and try everything to reach her goal
  • She's very creative
  • Her clumsiness
  • She doesnt communicate a lot to others
  • She forgives easily maybe not around that person but she knows it herself
  • Her lack of time management ( she hates waking up early remember ^^)
  • She easily gets distracted especially if there's treats
  • She can sew and make clothes for her and her other neko friends ^^
  • She sings a lot of ballads ( She was alonely cat right ^^ )
  • IRL i sneeze like a cat ^^ ( thats why i applied because i like cats ^^)
  • She have different types of coin banks in each room its like an obsession to save money unconditionally ^^
  • She loves to sleep a  LOT!
  • She likes to take a long walk to calm herself.
  • She felt awkward when someone compliments in front of her.
  • She likes to take weird pictures which she can use to blackmail that person ^^
  • She likes to play games and put bets in between in everything she will do.
  • Dont talk to her when she's mad cause she will make you feel that your talking to a wall.
  • She is a very sentimental cat, she remembers every special occasions.
  • She likes surprises.
  • She likes when it rains.
  • She values her privacy a lot
  • She squeeze the next person to her when she got scared and shocked.
✖ you don't know me!
background: There's nothing to say much anout haerin. She was born in Cassiopeia ( Neko world City ^^) she was the only kitten because her mother passed away while giving birth to her while her father blame her for the death of her mother for quite sometime but still he supports her and got remarried and chase her out after haerin reach her age where she can go or do whatever she wants in neko world or human world. She sew clothes as her job in Neko World.
Bestfriend/Close Friend/Friends 
| Kim Hyun Joong | 25 | Part time Model | bubbly, outgoing as you say opposite attracts | They can talk about anything, no secrets.
Kim Hyoyeon | 21 | Singer in the Pub | outgoing, competitive, likes to meddle with other person wants | they are like cats and dogs in particular | They are not like really enemies but a mere friendly rivals where hyoyeon likes to meddle about anything which haerin doesnt like and that they always end challenging each other even to petty things like if there's going to rain or not and put bets in between or rather punishment.
✖ my love, my love,
neko role: Anti-Social Neko
why you came to human world: She came to human world out of her drive to curiosity and freedom because of how and what she heard about the earth which sounded VERY interesting to her the fact that she was stubborn enough and likes to try many new things which always gets her in trouble in neko world. She wanted freedom which the neko world cant give everything is planned from work till your marriage so she decided to run away and go to human world where no one can recognize or find her or atleast thats what she thought...
how did you meet your owner/neko: She met her owner when she was wandering at the park a day after she arrived on earth. She was starving really bad so she decided to sit in one of the bench at the park then after a few minutes someone sits beside her taking a rest after his jogging and notice her and give her water. After giving the person a staring contest she decided to follow him because her instinct tells her he's a good person.
love interest:  Kim Jaejoong
his age: 24 years old (i reduce his age by 2 because you might think the is alittle bit high)
his personality: He is very fond of cats, hardworking and kind. He is very thoughtful and likes to cook spicy foods. He is very protective to the person he likes. He is very patient. He likes his place to be sparkling clean and hates it when someone mess it up. He is very responsible and likes everything to be in order. He's very naughty and likes y stuff and clothes. He likes to play and waking up early to get his morning routines such as exercise breakfast and so on ^^
how he acts around you: He treats her 50% human and 50% pet. He likes to patted her head whenever she did something good. He always that he will give her pet treats (fish) if she did something right or if she behaved in a certain place which haerin really like (well as a pet who doesnt like pet treats right^^). He treats her human in a way that she teach her the proper manners and how to communicate with others because as you know haerin doesnt like other people except her master but in the end she still follow as long as his master commands her. He talks to her regarding his works or his day ends. He gives her punishments when she did something bad. He always gives her a lot of surprises.
how do you behave around him:Haerin likes Jaejoong more than anyone else. She gives her the feeling of security and being loved where she was deprived upon. She was very playful and comfortable around him where she smiles a lot when she's with him unlike when she's with other person. She trust him wholeheartily and do everything i mean almost everything remind you she was stubborn right so she doesnt follow some of his commands sometimes. She likes to sleep besides him that makes her feel so protective. 
love interest 2: none ( im a faithful one ^^)
✖ and this is me... 
ulzzang name: Kim Do Hee
ulzzang links: #1 , #2#3#4#5#6#7
ulzzang name 2: Lee Hyo Jin
ulzzang links: #1#2#3#4#5
casual: #1#2#3#4
formal: #1#2#3,#4#5#6
pajamas: #1#2#3
swim wear: #1#2#3#4
home wear: #1#2#3#4
work out: #1#2#3
date night:  #1#2#3
other: Cat Form ^^
height: 5' 7 ft
weight: 125 lbs
birthmark: none
scar(s): none
tattoo(s):  none
piercing(s): 3pierce on each earlobe
other:  Like this
✖ hello&goodbye~
suggestions: i hope that if you can make my stiry to be funny rather than serious type if you know what i mean ^^ and oh can you please make jaejoong as an owner of a pub/bar as his job ^^ 
comments: Wooahh!!! ive been wondering how it feels to be a cat since im very fond of cats and dogs ^^ I had so much fun applying ^^ Waiting for your upcoming wonderful fic ^^ Kindly pm me if there's something wrong. Thanks ^^
questions: I dont think there's a need to ask for more you already stated it very well and clear ^^
scene requests: Surprise me author nim ^^



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