Quick Grammar Question

Are these sentences correct?

"Is that your dog? He's very cute."

"You're late again! This is the fifth time already!"

"Their dog went missing, could you help us find her?"

"They're going to be away for a few days."

"Look over there, it's a boat!"



Sorry if I sound stupid, but to this day I've never got the difference between your/you're, their/there/they're and I'm a highschool graduate =__= I still get stumped sometimes and it takes me awhile to think if that's the correct term. And also if someone asks 'Where are you calling from?' is that right or should it be 'From where are you calling?' Or does it really matter?


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...all the sentences are correct...
I think for the last bit you wrote down, both are acceptable.
For your typo problem (well I guess it's not really a typo, but you know what I mean) I suggest looking at this: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling
It's hilarious if you have the right sense of humor, I guess, but it helps with remembering how to distinguish them ^_^
Looks good to me! As for the last question about calling, it depends on how formal/British you want your English to sound. Either way is correct :) Also, for future reference, you can check this:

I think you should say "From where are you calling?" though I'm not really sure if the first one is right or not. ;u;

i admit it really bugs me when people say "your cute" instead of "you're cute" because i'm such a grammar nazi LOL
First one is grammatically correct (though kind of awkward if used in daily conversation)

Second is correct as well.

Third: Comma should be changed to semicolon (;) because they're two separate independent clauses. OR you could add a coordinating conjunction like 'so' after the comma. (The use of "their" is correct though)

Fourth: :)

Fifth: not so sure about the comma, maybe you could add a dash in case the comma is wrong :3
you wouldn't use a comma for the third and fifth.
they are separate independent clauses.
you cannot join two independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction.

use a semicolon for the third and a colon for the fifth
i think
It seems to me you got them right.
It doesn't matter.
It's correct. You just have to think of it as...
"Is that your dog? He is very cute."

"You are late again! This is the fifth time already!"

"Their dog went missing, could you help us find her?"
Their is correct because they own the dog.

"They are going to be away for a few days."

"Look over there, it is a boat!"
Well it actually really depends..
The second one can also be written as "Is that your dog, he is very cute!"