that guy you

So i was talking to an old friend a while ago..

and suddently i received a messgae from a guy i had something special with a yhear ago

and damn he;s asking about how I am right now.

damn he's asking because for sure his friend that I had a talk with just a while ago practically said all the s i've said when we were talking.

but i'm talking to this guy... ill make him realize im happier without his

sorry i cant help but say this

im not in the mood and all and he irritates me


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Well I have had similar experiences and stuffs, only I used to like the guy, then we fell out a few times and I thought we had for the last time and then he messages me he's sorry. I give him a chance because I always believe in giving second chances to the ones who ask for them. But he hasn't really changed... So I have to get a way to get rid out him. But this is only after I've seen something. I don't think you should plain old ignore him otherwise you will always be wondering what would have happened if you had given him a chance... just talk to him and see how it goes :) <3 btw saranghaeyo <3
Ignore his text messages, calls or visits
he will get tired of chasing you sooner or later..
I had the same thing with my ex lol.
Well I ignored and he went away but from time to time he sends me messages through facebook.. but not like he used to.