Asian Angels Application

Asian Angels



❥Hello who's there?

AFF profile link:

How should I call you?  Jin


❥Your identity the only way to recognize you

Western Name: Mya

Real Name: Sato Mika (a new moon)

Nickname/s: Mimi: her oniisan (older brother) gave her that nickname when they were younger because he thought that ‘Mimi’ was cuter and thought it fit her.  Mostly calls her ‘Mimi-chan.’  That is the name she goes by now by everyone.  When she introduces herself, she says “My name is Sato Mika, but everyone calls me Mimi.”  Or something along those lines.

Stage name: Jeung Mimi

Birthdate: August 2, 1994

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Japanese

Languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent), English (conversational), Mandarin (basic)

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Weight: 98lbs

Height: 5 feet 2 inches


❥I think i'm pretty everybody wants to love me

Ulzzang Name: Jung Mimi


Back-up Ulzzang:




Style: flowy and feminine[2].jpg

What she wears when she’s feeling lazy/sick (whenever she feels like she’s going to stay home all day and won’t go out in public or no one will come see her) she likes oversized sweatshirts w/ shorts


Extra/s: none




❥I love the way you are


            Mimi loves people and loves talking to them.  She can approach anyone easily, but she has trouble making true friends.  As a result, she only has three good friends: her brother Jiji, her friend Hyori, and Sungjong.  Everyone else are just acquaintances.  She also gets lost quite frequently and thus sometimes late to things.  Because of this, she usually sets out about 30 minutes to an hour before the actual event.

            She is a very curious person and loves to explore.  Whether it be an old abandoned building or cave, or some dance studio (;P see trainee life), she will want to break in and check it out.  She has specifically learned how to pick locks for this purpose alone.

            When she is stressed, that is when Mimi gets out her drawing tablet.  It helps her calm down so usually after a long, hard day of practice or after an argument with her otousan, she practically burns the paper from the heat caused by the friction of the tip of her pencil.  She ha s become very good at both drawing and painting, but only Jiji and Hyori and Sungjong know of this passion.

            She loves shopping.  Mimi is confident in herself and not shy at all –loves the camera.  Mimi is very bubbly and happy around her oniisan and okaasan, but in the presence of her otousan, she becomes sarcastically respectful.  He scolds her often and she is cold to him in return.  She’s not angered easily, but is impatient.  She loves skinship but not when she is angry.  That is where she becomes cold and silent.  If she’s quiet, you know something is wrong, whether it be that she’s depressed or she’s angry.  Like previously mentioned, she doesn’t anger easily, but when she is she usually tries to hold it in, hence the silent treatment.  But if she doesn’t vent that anger soon and she keeps it bottled up for a long time, it all comes out in a very aggressive, screaming, passionate tantrum that leaves everyone scared. 

Mimi never cries, not when she’s angry or sad.  No one knows why, people think that she’s just too happy to cry, but she doesn’t agree.  She thinks that she’s just incapable of crying except for tears of boredom (yawning).  Sometimes it concerns her…

She is brutally honest, and if she doesn’t like you or thinks you’re annoying, she lets you know it very blatantly.  Usually people she doesn’t like are ones that are too full of themselves or talk too much (‘cause she likes her talking time), or think that they are better than everyone else.

Mimi loves her big brother to death.  She thinks he’s perfect in every way and she would do anything for him.  They have always been really close and are each other’s best friends.  She can talk to him about anything and messes him the most during her trainee period.  She doesn’t like him when they are around their otousan (father) who is stern and calloused.  He becomes too stiff and distant and formal and she doesn’t like it at all.  For this reason she dislikes her father a lot. 


Likes: reading novels (action/romance, fantasy, science fiction), singing, dancing, drawing/painting, horses and puppies and kittens, sweet stuff (sugary candy, pastries, etc), white chocolate, swinging on swing sets, ice skating, bright colors (pink, blue, lime green, yellow, purple), her plush doggy ( ),

Dislikes: the color orange, dark chocolate, jerks (stuck up/snobbish people), waking up early (she’s a night owl), her stutter when she’s scared/nervous, her otousan

Habits: bites thumb nail when nervous, bounces when she’s impatient/excited, keeps her emotions in and tends to not talk when she’s angry so sometimes blows up seemingly randomly (her head spins), stutters when she’s scared/nervous/embarrassed, tends to latch onto people when she’s very scared/startled but she’s not easily frightened, sleeps with her plush doggy (see Likes), and tends to snuggle with anything/anyone who sleeps with her/ she falls asleep on.

Hobbies: drawing/painting, singing/dancing, ice skating, horseback riding

Trivia: favorites: white lilies, aquamarine, strawberries, almond milk, horses; loves food (if it weren’t for her high metabolism she’d probably be obese). 


❥I'm happy I grew up in this environment

Family Members:

Otousan (father)| Sato Hyosuke| 48| surgeon | stern, no nonsense attitude, cold, very strict, workaholic

Okaasan (mother)| Sato Airi | 46 | mother | bubbly, naïve, forgetful, sweet, caring

Oniisan (older brother) | Sato Kenji (Jiji) | 23 | medical student | loyal, teasing, funny, but also responsible, brilliant, overprotective of Mimi, happy, carefree, whenever otousan is around he acts very formal and like a completely different person

Character/Family Background:

Her otousan is not the nicest man.  He is very strict at home (whenever he’s there) and at work (I feel bad for his coworkers).  He has a no nonsense approach towards everything.  Recently, he’s been dragging Jiji to follow in his footsteps.  Really, he wants his children to be successful and this is the only way he knows how to do it.  He works so much to provide a good life for his family so is hardly ever at home.

Mimi’s okaasan is a fun, bubbly woman who acts like a school girl sometimes.  Mimi takes after her mom in that they both love sweet things and clothes, and bright happy things.  Okaasan loves to bake and laugh and talk.  She always sees the good in people and loves them unconditionally no matter what.  She is a very naïve person.  Her mom is very forgetful and so sometimes misses out on a lot of Mimi’s special activities like performances, recitals, etc.  Mimi often wonders how such an amazing woman could have married such a crab like her father.

Oniisan is a special person to Mimi.  They have always been like twins.  Mimi feels like she can be herself around Jiji without feeling as if he’ll judge her.  He was the first person she told of her dream to become an idol.  When she was found, he totally supported her.  When they were younger, he would protect her from all of the bullies who said she was too loud and obnoxious and was always there to fend off creepers in junior high and high school.  He loves to skate board and run and play soccer -he’s very athletic and strong.  Also very handsome, he’s had many girlfriends (all of which so far Mimi has not approved of, but she’s holding out for that perfect girl, like her friend Hyori ;P).  Jiji likes to tease Mimi all of the time, but beats up anyone else who dares to say a slightly insulting word to her.  He is studying to become a surgeon but wants to become a lawyer, because the sight and smell and gruesome connotations of blood makes hi queasy.  He’s a very good persuasive arguer and can win nearly any argument.  He’s too scared, however, to displease his father and to disappoint him since his father seems set on him becoming a surgeon or something in the medical field.


❥Friend or foe?

Bestfriend: Sato Kenji | 23 | medical student | see family | he saw you the day your guys’ mother gave birth to you | see family


Suzuki Hyori | 19 | art major | quiet and shy | you got lost on your way to dance class in junior high and ended up in the arts hallway without a clue.  Luckily, she took pity on you and showed you the way to your classroom | she respects you a lot and never says a mean thing to you ever, you trust her with your life and goes to her when Jiji isn’t around.  She is ‘secretly’ crushing on Jiji, but you know.

Lee Sungjong | 19| Idol in Infinite boy band |sweet, caring, helpful,  cute, easily irritated when people or order him around, but only takes it out on his teddy bear.  Mimi has been helping him with his anger problems | Also her love interest.  She actually met him by accident when she showed up at the wrong dance studio (yeah, she has a strange connection with the wrong studios).  He helped her get back on the right path and sent her to the right one.  A while after that encounter, she met him at a café close to her apartment.  Apparently it was close to his dorm as well and he frequented there whenever his hyungs ordered him to get them coffee (Sungyeol), or some other delight.  At first they just talked to each other because they vaguely knew each other, but as time went on and the more they opened up to each other and told their back stories they became good friends and Mimi found herself becoming attracted to him.  She denied it in the beginning, but now is trying to win his affection without telling him her feelings.  She doesn’t think she’s getting anywhere, but he secretly likes her too and thinks that her ‘hints’ are just her being her.

❥Love love love...

Love interest: see friends

How did you guys meet? See friends

How do you act around each other? Usually Mimi and Sungjong try to think of ways to get revenge on Sungjong’s hyungs for when they are mistreating him.  She is very devious and can come up with some pretty nasty ideas.  Recently, she has been getting butterflies in her tummy whenever she is around Sungjong and can’t stop thinking about him.  At first, she discouraged the idea that she might like him, but she just can’t help her feelings and has now started a mission: Operation Love Potion.  This is where she flirts and bumps up the aegyo (which she has been practicing) to win his affection.  She gets jealous of anyone who steals his attention away and fights for it again.  Sungjong treats her like a dongsaeng or friend, but he is secretly liking her too, but he is unsure of whether to tell Mimi or not because he doesn’t want to mess up their friendship.  But sometimes he can’t help but tickle her when she pouts (which she does a lot more now that she recognizes a pattern with the behavior), or run his fingers through her hair absentmindedly.  A few times when they are together in big crowds, he’ll hold her hand because he knows how easily she can get lost.  Otherwise, when they are alone and it’s just the two of them, they just talk or play silly games.  Sometimes, when Mimi is feeling especially devious, she’ll take something of Sungjong’s (ie teddy bear, hat, shoe, etc) and he’ll chase her around until he gets it back.  The other members notice their behavior and think it’s highly suspicious, but whenever they ask about it, the two just say that they are just really good friends and feel very comfortable with each other (without realizing that those words are breaking the other’s heart).

Backup Love Interest: Lee Taemin

How did you guys meet? She has always admired him and his dancing and singing abilities.  She wanted to talk to him and see how he felt about being an idol and if it was worth it (cuz she didn’t like to get up early).  She sought him out and found him and interrogated him, and he promised her that nothing can replace doing what you love and sharing it with others.  This strengthened her resolve to become the best idol she could be and to support her fans.

How do you act around each other? She treats him the same as everyone else, but sometimes flirts with him more if Sungjong is there to try and make him jealous and do something about it.


❥Before the debut day was my struggle

How were you discovered?  One night when she was 14 she snuck into a dance studio.  It was actually used by SM Ent when their idols are in Japan, but she didn’t know that.  All she knew was that it was a dance studio and she found a way to sneak in.  She got caught obviously, but not before someone noticed how good she was/is.

How long was your trainee period?  3 1/2 years

How was your trainee life?  It was difficult (especially because she had to wake up early), but she worked hard and did her best.  Her instructors got mad at her frequently earlier in her career because she kept getting distracted, but when she concentrates she can learn any dance in less than an hour.  Her concentration has gotten better and that is why she is finally allowed to debut.


❥It's who you are on stage

Position: main dancer

Backup Position: vocalist, dancer

Personal Fandom name: Starling

Personal Fandom color: This color (aqua/teal)

Persona: Shining Star –always so happy and cheerful all of the time


❥Extra Questions

Any comments or suggestions? Not at the moment

Scene requests?  I want a scene where Mimi gets so angry and frustrated and upset that she suddenly starts crying.  Of course, I want this to be towards the end, but if you could include this scene that would be fantastic.  Other than that, just a lot of fluff between Mimi and Sungjong ^^

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