Sm YSA Application

Name: Amy Jung/ Jung Heeyeon


Stage Name:A.Me



Birthday: 12/09/1999

Home country/Nationality: USA




Appearance:pretty, with big eyes, naturally cute but very mature looking for her age, light brown layered hair

Best feature/charm:ability to always be optimistic, looks like a fourteen year old

Glasses/contacts?:contacts, but wears glasses at home

Piercings?:ear piercing on both ears, double piercing on the left ear

Style: trendy, stylish


Field: singer, rapper, dancer

Previous experience in music: none

Any instruments?:piano, flute, drums, guitar

Audition song & style: sang and rapped "Superstar" by Ailee, Hyorin, Jiyeon; loud

Audition country/place: auditioned in Los Angeles, California

How did you get there?: live there, snuck out of house and walked

Why did you go?: Love and passion of music, wanted to prove my family wrong, that i did have talent

Audition experienc Explain:bad, almost got kicked out for not having an adult with me. other than that, it was fine

[Opt.] How long have you been a trainee?: 1 year


Personality:outgoing, friendly,sweet, caring, is really shy to new people

Stage Persona:

very Charismatic, a lot of swag ;D

Likes/Dislikes:likes food, stuffed animals, candy, music; dislikes waking up early, rude people,

Likes/Dislikes about being a trainee:likes the thought of maybe becoming an idol one day; dislikes waking up early to practice

Habits: lips, biting nails, sleep talking

Fears: monsters D:

Hobbies:eating, listening to music, singing, dancing, rapping

Languages:english, korean, french

Talents:s\rapping, singing, dancing, playing instruments

Friends: Exo's Sehun

How did you become friends?: Sehun helps Heeyeon with her dancing

Crush (Name, group): Changjo, Teen Top

Love at first sight? Scene request?: fell in love when Heeyeon bumped into him and asked for directions to the Sm building; scene request- changjo takes her to Lotte World because he said she needs to have some fun and take a break from training


Do you get homesick? How do you deal with it?:no

What is the least amount of sleep to keep you awake? (hours):8

What type of learner are you? (Visual, Audio, Practical): all of the above. XD


Why did you apply for this story?: this idea is really unique, and i like it a lot. plus, ive gotten a little too obssesed with apply stories lately XD

Comments/Suggestions/Other: err.. Heeyeon's long lost brother is Jung Daehyun from B.A.P? LOLOL


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Persona is your on-stage personality (which may differ to your off-stage personality)