A Level Coursework Help? I just need someone to read it...

My task was to write an autobiographical piece, and I really need someone to read it and tell me if it . I've never tried anything like this and it's hard for me, so I need an opinion of someone who can tell me if it will be any good to hand in. It also has to be shared with the class...so if you're around 16-17 can you tell me if you'd laugh is a girl stood up and read it in front of the class? I really don't want to have a panic attack tomorrow in lesson...

Anyone who wants to help, please comment and I'll PM to you...

If no-one answers in like...5 hours I am just going to give up and die in the corner...


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tell me Rou! :D sorry, had to go to karate -_-
Kironstree #2
I'll help!!