Back to School

Well, today was the first day of school.

Let me tell ya, it was boring! I can already tell that it's going to be such hard work and I've really got to focus.


My ex-crush doesn't go to my school anymore and my friend asked me if I still liked him. Obviously no. Probably because I've made no contact with him for 3 months.

Then, when I was leaving school I had a major heart attack when I see him at the gates waiting for his friends!!

It's was so ironic! Couldn't be arsed to say Hi because I was hungry and my legs were tired. Who am I kidding, I wouldn't have said Hi even if I was stuffed and as healthy as I could be.


Anyhoo, I also lost my timetable so I knew what lessons I had but I didn't know where the hell they were!!

So I had to use my memory, which helped and another friend's timetable!

Okay, that was a lie. I didn't lose it. My mom killed a spider which had made a web in the middle of my freaking room with it and I immediately chucked it in the bin.


Moving on, there are supposed to be good looking new people but am I the only one who always misses seeing them??


What a day! 

I have homework already and exams to prepare for already!




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school for me is actually fun :D But, aren't you in college? Must be pretty hard because I'm only in high school lol. Recently, though, the teachers have been giving me more and more homeowrk T^T SO HARD!!! Especially my algebra class... ugh... I ____ at math :c
School keeps getting harder and harder. :(
probably because you're into Kris
Sounds like me.
DLite4Life #5
aha so true. Things are going to get busy. -____-
haha. your blog posts are always fun to read.
nana_lve_fanfic #7
Take your time, and maybe as time flies, he will ex-crush without the ex ;)
As for school, i feel the same way as you -.-
oh! hi ex-crush!! :))) <3

anw,, goodluck on your studies!!! ^^