
i think i had virtually cried tears of joy and virtually jumped towards the afternoon sky while going hallelujiah hands in front of my computer. T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U-!!!!! to kind person (blue14_sapphire) who helped me with my problem tha i've been having for the past week (i think) i hope i didn't sounded ignorant. now i can finally. finally request from more shops including yours, blue14_sapphire. 

oh, speaking of requests and shops. i thought about requesting for reviews too. and i had actually requested to two different shops for two different, completed chaptered fics. and i've also thought of adding Plaything  to that go-ask-for-review-fics. no, it's not like i don't love the comments. hell no! gad! i friggin lurv them to death and the silent readers and the subscribers and everyone else that have continued to wait for my fail of late updates OTL... idk, i just thought: hmmm.. i wonder what others would say especially that i don't think there are a lot of {+} reviewers or it is just me. 

should i ask for 'professional' opinions too? or should i just stick with poster requests. yep. i have posterified my old and older fics. and hoping that it'll increase the views of the not so popular with reader fics that i think are decent too

and in conclusion to this random rant/blabbering while i take a few minutes off heavy reading and hopefully retaining what i've read. here's a vid compilation of 10 commercials which i think are comical especially #3 and #2:


P.S. good night: :)


P.P.S: can someone help me with vid posting? i could post vids before but it seems that it doesnt work now :( i would be very much thankful. 


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Ikaw pa ang ning comment sakong BangZelo fic update so far~ Lolz XD Naa sad koi bag.o gi himu nga poster kai naa man ning request~
Naa koi gi buhat para nimu~ na inspired ko maghimu kai imo ko gi praise gamay~ BWAHAHAHHAHAH!!! Mo blog unta ko pero wa pa man ko ka make ug background~ ugma nlng ko mo blog about ani ug maghimu sa background~
Uu ako nag himu sakong poster and background dayun after ana... nawala nasad akong "artistic" feel~ lolz~ BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! I think kahibaw nako ngano ganahan ko naay babae sa poster... igat2x man gud. bWAHAHAHAHHA!!! XD
hae_ki #4
if anyone else willing to help.. embed doesn't work. or there's another way to embed coz that's what i do until this happened. :)
Di mo work kanang embed churvz sa youtube? Ganahan pud ko reviews pero dili sad ko ganahan. Sure ko grammar napud e point out ug typo if naa. Lolz