September Eleventh, 2001

The anniversary for 9/11 is coming up this Tuseday...

People say we should forget about 9/11 and don't ever talk about it again but I think that's false. Yes we can move on with our daily lives but should we forget about it? Do you think the victims family's of this tragic day forgot about it? While they have moved on I highly doubt they've forgotten about the deaths of their loved ones.

For those that don't know 9/11 happened because a bunch of cowards attacked the United States and brought down the Twin Towers of New York City, also managed to hit the Pentagon and one plane almost flew into the white house but due to heroics of the passengers the plane was brought down in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

That plane was United Flight 93.

At least fourty passengers were on that flight...may those brave people rest in piece. Todd Beamer was the man that said 'Let's Roll' and helped other passengers take down the four terroists that hijacked the plane.

9/11 is not a day where we speculate or argue about how it 'really' happened because we know what really happened guys. Osama Bin Laden's been plotting to attack the United States for years. It was not Bush's fault either I don't care what anyone says. I was only nine years old when this day happened so I don't remember much, but after hearing so much about it I realize how horrifying the event truly was.

Of course there are other worse disasters than 9/11 and I think about the people that suffered them to. But I still pray for the victims familes and for the lost souls that day also on the anniversary....




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The kinda creepy part? My family went to visit the twin towers in August of that year. And I don't remember a single bit of it, besides visiting the memorial. >.<
But it was definitely when we started not feeling safe. God the airport security. I know it's their job and it's for our good, but it's such a hassle.
i was six years old. to be honest, this day changed my life forever, and no one in MY life died. it's a complicated story, but it shouldn't be forgotten. pearl harbor and other things haven't been forgotten. however, we definitely need to move on. somber comment XD
September 11, 2001 - My 3rd birthday xD yeah, le random commen :P