v i s c h t club application-Primrose0930


Rae Jae Hee Death Date and Cause

-- M Y   M A S T E R M I N D

Username: Primrose0930

Name: Jess

Activity Level: i go on everyday, but on weekdays, i have school.

-- T H E   P U P P E T

Full Name: Rae Jae Hee

Nickname: Jae or Jj. Jae is everyone because it's easier than Jae Hee, and Jj is only for really close friends or family.

​Gender: Female

​Birthdate: 09/30/94

​Age: 17

​Ethnicity: Half Korean and Half American

Languages Spoken: English-fluent Korean-Fluent Japanese-Conversation

Blood Type: B+

-- T H E   S H O W

Personality: Jae Hee is the shy, wallflower.  Because of her psychic ability, she feels outcasted, even among people like her.  She's haunted by her ability and because of that, she shys away from people, too afarid to see their death. Jae can be very sweet and obediant when she's in a pleasant mood, but it's when she's mad that you have to run for your life.  Very rarely, when Jae loses her temper, her anger is enough to even make the devil cringe.  However, on a regular basis, Jae is very mellow and easy going.  Jae is also stubborn like a donkey, although she doesn't like getting involved in matters, if they do involve her, and she doesn't like it, Jae won't stay still.  She is also the type of person to keep her worries and problems to herself in favor of watching over the others, she was never the type to really burdan others and will instantly feel guilty if someone so much as helps herJae lives in constant fear of abuse, having been beating since she was a little girl and in order to prevent herself from getting close other than shying away is giving people the cold shoulder and giving rather terse responses that would make anybody want to cringe and backaway for good. However, she hates herself fortreating others like that, knowing that she probably hurt them. She is constantly guilty for being distant to everyone, but she finds it nessasary because the closer she gets to a friend, the more she knows how they will die. And death terrifyes her. But even when shes wallowing in self pity, she adores helping others. A bit of a contradiction, i know. But Jae just can't stand getting close to someone, afraid of hurting them or them hurting her.  She doesn't really stand up for herself, always terrified of other peoples anger and deals with the aftermath without complaint.

Background: Jae was abused by her drunk of a father since the age of 5, thats how she got to be so quiet and shy.  Her father's attempt at a family Technology business went down the toilet immidiaty after launching and in result, he put his family in debt.  Because of the debt, Jae's mother worked four part time jobs, and her waste of space father would always take the money and spend it on booze, feeling that if he can't support his own family, then no one could. (call it, a man's pride).  When Jae's mother wasn't home, her father would take out his anger and misery on Jae and threatened to kill her if she so much as spoke a word about her beatings to anybody. It wasn't until one dark night did Jae's father take the beatings to a new level, putting her on the brink of death. When Jae, somehow by miracle, woke up in the morning she gained her pschic ability. She often thinks its due to her grandparents acting as gaurdian angels, but why this damned 'goft' she doesn't know.  To this day, Jae's father still beats her and her mother continues her four jobs, so she is never home, and although Jae tryes her hardest to act normal and avoid her father, she knows its useless and just accepts the beatings rather than face him head on and defend herself, hoping that one day her father will wake up and realize what he has done.


*Pink roses

*The color purple

*Music so loud it hurts

*Laying in the sunlight




*Horror movies

*Her father

*People with an ego

*Rap music


*Playing piano




*She'll bite her lower lip when she's nervous or thinking

*She'll drum her fingers when shes bored or anxious

*When she laughs or smiles, she'll always blush.


* Blood- Because of her father always beating her, Jae has seen alot of blood in her childhood, and the thought of her father doing that, terrifies her

* Needles- At a dcotors appointment, the doctor was giving a shot and carelessly spilt a little blood, the blood caused Jae to have a panic attack and the dcotors had to sedate her to calm down.  She always associates needles with blood


*Graet with kids

*very flexible

*had a dog, a toy poodle

-- A S S I S T A N T S

Family Members:

Rae KyungHyun/ 49/ Father/ drunk, failure, cruel/unfortunaetly alive/ He tried setting up his own business but it failed and it landed his family in debt.

Rae Jade/44/ Mother/busy, caring, worrisome/alive/ she works four part time jobs and has no clue about her daughters beatings, she thinks the buises are caused by Jae tripping (even though she's no clutz)


Lui Amber/19/ Best friend/ tomboy, hilarious, understanding/alive/ Has known Jae the longest, she doesn't know where Jae gets all the bruises from.

Mir/19/friend/lazy, sweet, protective/alive/ has lived next down the street from Jae, met her when she was a child.

-- D O L L ' S   T R I C K S

Your Shie Power: She has the ability to see how a person dies, but she can't see her own.

​Description: Jae can only see a persons death when she touches them, like if she were to accidentally touch someones shoulder, she will get see a scene (like a movie) of how the person dies.  (i.e. if someone will die in their sleep, she'll see them sleeping peacefully, but if they die in a car accident, she'll see them in a moving car and then the totalled car.)

​Shie's Background: Jae was 'gifted' with this power when her father nearly beat her death.  The only thing keeping her alive was someone chanting "It's not your time, it's not time for you to go."  She's been living with this power for about 7 years now, another reason why she stays away from people, she doesn't want to see how the poeple she cares about dies.

Joining the club: The club discovered Jae's power when she predicted the unexpected death of a teacher.  The club confronted her, and sure enough, someone spilled the beans.

-- G A R U   T O   P U C C A

Love Interest: Lee Taemin

​Personality: Taemin is stubborn and childish, he is the eact opposite of Jae, he's the social butterfly of the school, he talks to everyone and anyone and he knows everybody.  He's a major goofball and a tad bit clumsy, but he loves to laugh and show everyone how to have a good time.

​Relationship: Taemin trys to befriends Jae, but because Jae is scared of her power, she always avoids him at any costs, even if it means running and hiding.  Taemin is that guy who always has the same classes as Jae.  (he's older, but shes smart and can move up to senior classes)

​Backup Interest: Choi Minho

Personality: Same. but overy protective.

-- T H E   M A T E R I A L S 

Eohljjang: Lee Eun Ji

Links: 1   2   3   4   5

​Backup Eohljjang: Song Ah Ri

​Links: 1 2 3

​Height: 157 cm // 5' 2"

​Weight: 49 kg// 108 lbs

​Style: Jae prefers simple but modest clothing with lots of accessories  

1  2   3   4   5

-- C R E A T O R ' S   N O T E S

Additional Info: Nope, i think you know it all.

Comments: Would you like to look at my PASSWORD?

Scene Requests: Maybe a scener where Jae's father is beating her and what shes thinking.


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