You're curious, right? :) It's Aspen and Phoenix!

Since both of my little girls passed out early today, I decided that I will finally post some pics of my babies :)

Sound good?



This was when we were going home from the hospital, about 2 days after I had Phoenix
Not gonna lie, I'm impressed by Kyler's grandmother's [Renee] skills at knitting (or is it crocheting? I've no idea). She made the cutest little hat for her junior! ^^,

In the car~ at a stop sign. I tried wile we were on the move, but they kept coming out blurry...

First day home!

A week after she was born


Okay, I have to mention this as well. Phoenix already has weird nick names. I mean, Aspen has gotten a few, but Phoenix's is really strange. Like, Aspen got Colorado (by Linda ^^ this one has actually stuck. Some people do call her Colorado) and Lil Jadie (which faded after a couple months, since Aspen really wasn't shy + I changed her middle name to Mi Rae). Phoenix has Arizona, Nixi (by me ^^) , Nix, Phoebe (...?) , Phoe (founds like fee. . .) , robo, screamer, Captain Hook, Pixie, beyond anything else you can probably think of...really, which is the most reasonable?? hahaha jk ^.^ they're just strange lol

I'm not sure that I like Phoebe, Phoe, robo, screamer, and captain hook XD holy crap -_- haha


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they are so precious!! i can't believe how much aspen's grown! congrats again!!
uri Aegi...
aish, I call them Aegi right?
Nixie or Pixie~~
SHOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEE ♥♥♥ omo aspen's looking at her like "...da fuq am i supposed to do wif dis?" XD they really do look alike~ and aspen's hair got so long 0.0 DAMMIT CHILDREN STOP GROWING UP. both are beautiful ♥
__eccedentesiast_ #4
You're babies are so cute unnie <3
You have like...gorgeous kids *u*
I feel like an ahjumma looking at them :) so puretty~!
-xttran #6
Aspen aegi grew! Asdfghjkl ;3
she's so friggin adorable. Wahhhh^^
Hey Aspend, big sister Mikkii here *waves*

Anyways, they're cute, haha. You make good babies umma Kate ;D