Ugh shopping

I went shopping today for clothes for college, see our school wants you to were business-y and formal clothing.


My mom went with me -.-

I should have gone alone.


She always wants to get a size bigger!! Look mom, I am not getting any bigger you know. This is where I stop growing so fast! Does she really think I'm gonna get fat in the next month or something??

Well, the blazer she insisted on getting,  makes me look short and fugly. Maybe it's because I haven't been in uniform for so long

but ugh, what is this?!


Anyhoo, then we got a pair of trousers. At the shop, I thought they were okay and every thing. Till I came home!

Suddenly they make me look short as well. Which is a very bad thing because I am already short! These trousers don't seem to go with any of the shirts I brought when I thought they would. It definitely doesn't go with my trousers.

Imma need to buy new trousers...-.-

what a day


Now I only have one outfit planned for my induction day that looks acceptable. That's all fine but what about the next two years~



It's okay -sigh- 

When my pay is forwarded to my bank account, I shall buy new pants and some nicer shirts! Without my mother's weird tasted following me~


I really dislike shopping


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IKR!!! it's so hard to get them to realize that we're not growing like we used to.. i don't know how many times i have explain that, i think they just don't want to accept that their babies are all grown up now LMAO (i sounded soooo cheesy *shudders*)
What's your height I'm 12 and 5ft 4 or so.
Well whats your height? Im 12 and 5 foot 2
Thank goodness my mom doesn't do that to me anymore. After high school she just stopped. Usually the clothes she would buy me make me look like a boy since they're so big 0__0
ishtarsummer #5
u tell me,,
my mom just like ur mom,, she always gettin me 1 size bigger than it should be..and yes,it .. But,for some reason she said that i can wear that til 2 or even 3yrs ahead.. I think she's happy to see my body hidden underneath..