He Gave Me Hope That There is Still Good in The World.

So my mom left the country to visit her parents a few days ago, and I'm left home with my father and younger brother. If you know me well, you know that me and my father don't have the best relationship. Scratch that, a lot of the time I HATE him.

Today was no different. Me, him, and my brother went to the art museum in my city to see a cool new exhibit they were showing. My dad likes to stall and take pictures and all that crap, while I'm a bit more restless and like to have my space, see things quickly for what they are, and move on.

My dad told me to stay with him, and I told him no, I wanted to go look up ahead.

He then proceeded to pull me into a corner where a young watchman was stationed, and began to yell at me. Loudly.

He angrily told me to respect and listen to him, and that he could make a huge scene if I ever disrespected him again, and to stop misbehaving.

The watchman witnessed the entire thing.

My dad and my brother (who takes my father's side out of fear, quite often) left the exhibit to go get headphones to walk them through the exhibit, and I was left standing alone there, trying to hold back my tears and anger.

The watchman got up, and began to walk around, and walked over to me and looked at me, and smiled in an almost apologetic manner.

He whispered to me, "It's okay," and smiled again, and left without another word.

I think we sometimes take advantage of people like him.

He gave me hope that there are good people, people that care, in the world.

I began to cry, not for what my insensitive father had screamed at me, but for how a simple "It's okay" from a man I didn't know meant far more to me than any other apology that I'd ever recieved.


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That is so sweet.I think that it's really true that their are some good people all over the world and sometimes we do take advantage of them.I'm glad you found one at the right time.:)
babygirladdy #2
*hugs* there are some good people left out there in the world they're just occasionally hard to find. lol I'm glad you seemed to find one in a perfect moment for it, though.
BubblyMe #3
Awwwwwwwwws :'( -hug hug pat pat-
kolmilyo #4
i'm sorry for the situation you are in.<br />
i have no reference to it since mine is of completely opposite to yours.<br />
i do not even know what to say to appease you but angels are all around watching us.being the fresh air that we crave for when desperation dawn upon us.<br />
gives us hope when things doesn't seem bright enough.<br />
reminding us that there is always someone looking for us and to keep fighting and moving on.<br />
love will always find it's way.
Awwwwwwww, thats sad, but true how the little things can make a big difference. TGOT Hwaiting!
Awwwww. D:<br />
aww :/ ♥ stay strong~
;___________________________;<br />
Oh my gosh. *hugs*<br />
I really hope I can be a person like that watchman.
Padfoot #9
You aren't the only one.<br />
Me and my dad scream at eachother in public constantly. Appearantly I lack respect but its just my natural personality.<br />
You don't deserve from your parents no one does. You aren't the only one. I seriously hate my dad so much I would be content with him dying >.> even worse he does it in front of my family and no one does a thing. Its great that you had a sense of comfort, he's seriously like the best person in the world<3
ItsAMelliex #10
Omona, are you okay ? TT ^ TT
I'm sorry... I hope u get better
jeniscool100 #12
Wow. That man...sounds absolutely wonderful.<br />
I really wish there was more I could say to make you feel better. ):<br />
I mean, you don't deserve to be yelled at or mistreated or undermined in any manner. Really, you don't. Because nobody deserves that. <br />
I am just so glad to hear that that man was there to provide you with a sense of comfort. I'm just so happy after reading this - after seeing that there really are people in this world who care about others, even though they don't know them at all. <3 <br />
If things get really bad with your father, or if you ever get frustrated with him, don't hesitate to let your feelings out. Blogging like this is great, and if you have any people you feel comfortable talking with on this site then I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you went to them.(: <br />
Just try not to hold your feelings in - it'll only make everything seem worse than it has to be. <3