f@cebook breakups

I'm sure if you have a facebook or other social website you have friends and family who practically broadcast everything that's happening in their life 

"oh my hubby and I are so inlove!"

"omg I can't believe he cheated on me!"

"baby just pooped all over the bed!"

I like to share somethings too, I mean every once and a while I share something I like or dislike about my job, or even that I'm out hanging out with a good friend... I find it a bit wrong to publicize your relationships for some reason though.

it's one thing when the relationship is happy, it's another when it's bad and you're breaking up. There's two sides to every relationship and bringing in face book sort of brings in a third player into it. it turns into a mess and everyone begins to spew words and things just blow up...

any relationship you had with that person from before and during your romance is pretty shot after that.

not that that doesn't happen with out facebook, but when it's posted on the internet for all to see, even to people you barely know it seems to feel a bit... IDK, I guess if I had an ex that kept writing things like "you cheated on me you c*nt" " as their status I'd be a bit sad and embarrassed that someone I had loved at one time would post that on facebook -.- 

anyways, kids remember that while facebook is a fun way to get in contact with your friend and family, it shouldn't be used as a virtual dating service, there are alot of people on the internet just waiting for kids and even adults to fall pray to their bait and no matter how much you may love this internet relationship you should really do a background check on any and every person you decide to meet outside the internet... not that I think you should have an internet relationship though, anyone can be anyone on the internet.

remember, the 16 year old heart throb you meet on messenger might be great to talk to but in reality he could really be a fourty year old man looking to hook up with some teenaged dreamers.

this has been a public service announcement by Emi!

anyways, I've had a pretty wild week, I bought a new drawing tablet, got to watch the new harry potter movie with my favorite sibling and got a spider bite the size of Cleveland on my thumb (It's being healed with Tobacco this very moment, itches like crazy -.-) so yeah, I'll be posting sometime tonight^^


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