Living with idols


Who are you?

Name: Song Jae Hwa

Age:  I: 17 K: 18

D.O.B: september 30/1994

Hometown: Seoul

Birthplace:  Boston

Ethnicity: Half american and Half Korean

Height: 157 cm

Weight(In Kg): 47 kg

Blood Type: B+

Languages: Korean and english (Both fluent)  French and Japanese (Conversational)

All About You

Personality(Only a few sentences):  Jae is the motherly type, she loves to put others before herself and treat others better then herself.  She can be a bit of a hothead and is extremely stubborn.  But if you can make her smile and laugh, she will be your bestfriend.  She's a major clutzs and is always tripping over something or someone but is always trying to laugh it off no matter how embarressed she is.

Style: Modern and simple with plenty of accessories!

Hobbies Piano, gymnastics, and writing

Likes:  Sweat pea, the color purple, sweet foods

Dislikes: horror movies, blood, and people with an ego

Habits: biting on her lower lip

Trivia(:great with kids, double jointed, has been dancing since she was 10

Okay, Important Stuff:

Did You Apply?: Indeed i did :)

Are You Excited?: 

  • Yes!!
  • NO!!!
  • It's not like I'm not exicted, It's just..

Fangirl Meter(0-100%): 95%

I Don't Care Meter(0-100%) 0%

Romance(Ya Know.. the good stuff)

Who are you paired up with:

  • Jonghyun
  • Key
  • Taemin
  • Onew
  • Minho

Couple Name: TaeJae orJaeTae

Are you happy with this Pairing?: 

  • YES!!!!
  • No!!
  • I Don't Care)

How does SHINee Find You?

*She got hungry

*She likes pastries

*she loves music
(maybe they find her at a cafe or music store?*







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