☣Nightcore☠ - {{ STRYFER }}

 ♛ Seulhun's Audition                                                                                                                      



Username: {{ JojoKuma }}

AFF Profile: {{ Clicky! }}

Activeness: {{ 10. I dun have no life orzll. }}

Name to Call You: {{ Jojo! <3 }}


Oridago Nolligi Marayo

Name: {{ Oh Seulhun }}

Second: {{ Stryfer }}

Nicknames: {{ Bear - Owl - Lil' Muffin }}

Age: {{ 16 }}

Birthdate: {{ 1996 - 4 - 4 }}

Ethnicity: {{ Korean }}

Birthplace: {{ Incheon, S.Korea }}

HomwTown: {{ Seoul, S.Korea }}

BloodType: {{ O }}

Languages: {{ Chinese + Korean }}


Gajang yeppeun yeojachinguya

Hieght: {{ 168 cm }}

Weight: {{ 48 kg }}

Idol Name: {{ Kite }}

Idol Links: {{ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 }}

Idol Name: {{ Jang Hae Byeol }}

BackUp Idol Links: {{ 1 - 2 - 3 }}

Style: {{ 1 - 2 - 3  - 1 - 2 - 3  - 1 - 2 - 3 }}

Personality: {{ Vin is a loose cannon that can never be leashed, her constant flow of energy keeping the atmosphere around her interesting. She's always causing trouble, whether it be by starting a fight, disrupting a class, or blowing something up. Curious, she's truly a child at heart and loves to explore no matter what the outcome is. A snoop, she sneaks around and pokes her nose into the business of others like it's her job, creating her own little database of info that she'll sell to you for a certain price. Blunt and ever so careless, she speaks her mind constantly, even though that gets her in trouble quite a lot since her thoughts are usually rude. Complete with an overblown ego, she's cocky and prideful, and if you challenge her, she'll take the bet and beat you. Or keep taking you on until she beats you. A slight perfectionist, if you try to wreck something she's working on, she'll be on your , yelling and hitting you until you back off. When not in the presence of others, she falls oddly silent and prefers to work on perfecting herself in total solitude, sometimes singing to herself or talking to the spirits that inhabit her soul. Joking and teasing, she loves to crack jokes and make others laugh, even if it makes her look like an idiot. She's actually quite an ompimist, and always looks at the bright side of things. If there isn't a bright side? She'll make one. Obnoxiously loud, she desires to be the center of everyone's attention at all times, even if doing so makes her do things she could get yelled at for. }}


Idol Sibling: {{ Oh Sehun }}

Idol Cousin(s): {{ N/A }}

Love Interst: {{ Kai }}

How they met: {{ as a trainee, she always had problems sleeping, so she'd go to the dance room to practice and hopeflly run off her extra energy. Her and Kai met there several times, getting closer with each encounter. }}


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