2012.08.21 UPDATE!



To all of my beautiful readers: HELLO!

Here is an IMPORTANT update on my fics, plunnies, and other plans:

-AFF REPOSTS: I finished reposting everything on AFF! So everything is back and ready to go! However, if you prefer another platform, there is always my fic livejournal.

-UPDATES: I AM MOVING! So for the next few weeks, I'm sort of on a semi-hiatus! I'm so sorry for the inconveniences!!

-Seven Days of Happiness: So I said that this story would be finished by August 21. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up this promise because I'm moving! But I will try and get it done as soon as possible and it will be followed by Seven Months of Heartache!!

-The Flower Fencer: Nothing new to update about this one. But I have been working on a chapter.

-A Lack of Color: Forty percent done! 

-Plunnies: Just a few in my head.

To everyone that has been reading my fics either on here or on Livejournal, I just want to say that I appreciate every single one of you. I look forward to everything you all have to say and I love reading comments from all of you! I try to make sure I reply to every comment and subscriber I get because I really do appreciate that you all take the time out of your day to read my stories <33333333 


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