Hi everyone!
First things first. Because of the issue with AFF switching servers, I am missing three chapters of Seven Days of Happiness and The Flower Fencer entirely. Until this issue has been solved, I WILL NOT BE UPDATING MY STORIES ON AFF. If you want to see these missing works (six chapters altogether so far), then you are more than welcome to check them out on the fic masterlist post that I've made on my fanfic livejournal.

Since I'm almost finished with Seven Days of Happiness and The Flower Fencer has taken off (although it's currently missing on AFF so I posted the LJ link), I've decided to take a moment to plan out the future of my plunnies and fics! Here are a few things that are happening so far:

-Seven Days of Happiness: I've decided to make it part of a trilogy because it helps so much with the story. So 7Days is PART ONE of the trilogy and will be ending within 5 or so chapters. The story will NOT go past Chapter 30 and I'm already at Chapter 24 so it's on its final stretch! Anyway, I have figured out the formatting and the title for the trilogy! The name of the series will be The 777 Trilogy and the story titles will be Seven Days of HappinessSeven Months of Heartache, and Seven Years of Hope (tentative title). This is my first written work so I've grown attached to it and its fluff<333333

-The Flower Fencer: To be honest, I wrote the first chapter without even planning it out. Whereas I sat and planned out every single detail of 7Days so far, I just had "Soulfighters with swords and bad tempers" on my notes. Now that I've gotten three chapters done, I'm starting to plan it out. I'm really excited to see where it goes!! I love writing humor and that's the predominant genre of this particular story so I'll enjoy this. This story along with any other work I come out with will serve as project pieces that I am writing alongside The 777 Trilogy because I'm gonna be honest and say that the series will be massive and take a long time to write.

-Plunnies: Sometimes I have random plunnies that set themselves in my brain and beg to be written. I have a few ideas so far that are up for planning. Some might be one-shots, some might be drabbles, some might be chaptered. If they're chaptered, I won't write them until after I finish TFF or 777 because I want to focus on only one or two stories at a time. But there might be a few one-shots popping up here and there. I can just say that so far I will have a Changmin-focused piece (I haven't exactly figured out the length or who to put as his counterpart but it'll probably be either Jaejoong or an OC) and a possible one-shot collection that is Yoochun-focused (I'm considering co-authoring this with a friend but again, it really depends on time and such). 

To everyone that has been reading my fics either on here or on Livejournal, I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH. I write to not only provide myself with a creative outlet and to better my writing skills, but also for your entertainment. I enjoy seeing comments on my stories because that means I'm doing my job. 

Thank you all!!


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