2012.08.12 UPDATE



Here is an update on my fics, plunnies, and other plans:

-Posting on AFF: When I first lost chapters/stories, I decided to NOT POST ON AFF until they were back. Instead I posted and updated on my fic livejournal. I figured that I would give AFF a few weeks to get everything back together and set a deadline for August 11. Since it's now August 12 and my chapters are still missing, I realized that I'm being quite unfair to my readers since I've been updating on LJ. I am so sorry. Starting today, I will be reposting all of the lost chapters from 7Days as well as The Flower Fencer. 

-Seven Days of Happiness: There are about three chapters left of this story. As soon as I finish this story, Seven Months of Heartache will be put into play. So for all of you waiting on the fate of SuMaya, it'll be coming soon. The story WILL BE FINISHED by August 21.

-The Flower Fencer: I'm reposting this story. This one is a side project to 7Days since Changminnie doesn't have a presence in that story xD But this one is a bit more of a humorous one. Also, it's my first boyxboy pairing story since I've never done one before. Please give it support and also let me know what you think of it<33333

-A Lack of Color: This one is of course, ten chapters long. I'm already 30% done with it. It'll be done by the end of the month, I hope. It's Yoochun-focused and inspired by the song and music video for Pete Yorn's "Crystal Village"

-Plunnies: Nothing new, really. I can just say that after I finish The Flower Fencer, there will be another JaejoongxChangmin story that's already in my mind. Actually, what's funny is that I hinted at the idea somewhere in Chapter Three of A Lack of Color.

To everyone that has been reading my fics either on here or on Livejournal, I just want to say that I appreciate every single one of you. I look forward to everything you all have to say and I love reading comments from all of you! I try to make sure I reply to every comment and subscriber I get because I really do appreciate that you all take the time out of your day to read my stories <33333333 

Thank you all, and have a wonderful day!! Also, if any of you have questions/comments/concerns/suggestions, I am always open to everything, even if they are negative. ^^


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