The masquerade application



The asquerade



The Real Me

username: Primrose0930

name: Jess

activeness: 9

Me, Myself and I

name: Song Jae Hwa (Jae or Jj)

nicknames: Every one calls Jae Hwa Jae because its easier, only her best friend can call her JJ

age: 17

birthday: September 30, 1994

place of birth: Bosten

hometown: Seoul

ethnicity: Half Korean and Half American

languages: English, korean, japanese, and french

profanities? Yes, in french

The Face is What Attracts,The Personality is What it Stays For

personality: Jae is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Jae  is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on. Jae is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, Jae has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.


*sweet peas


*Dancing in the rain

*Laying in the sun

*Music so loud it hurts

*skin ship

*Painting her nails every week

*romantic comedies


*horror movies



*Poeple with an ego

*slow drivers

*Girls who force thesemlves onto somebody


*being left alone


* Blood

* Death


* Biting her lower lip when she's thinking

* convering with the back of her hand when she laughs

* Cuddling with whoever or whatever is cloest to her

*sleeping in late

*she'll stop in her tracks and glare at whatever tripped her


* Piano

* cooking/baking

* running

* violin



*very flexible

*double jointed

*Amazing with kids

*Has both her ears pierced twice.

*Has a massachusetts drivers license

*Favorite color is purple/blue

*Knows how to tango and ballroom dance

* Has to sleep at least 6 hours otherwise she'll be the worlds biggest B_____!

Fashions Fade. Style is Eternity

apperance: ฝากรูป   tumblr_m4wtt2MCW51rv4s6lo1_400.png  tumblr_lq7paneGn31qjfdwro1_500.png


style: Modern and simple with accessories

casual/everyday:  1   2   3   4

formal: 1   2   3   4  

sleepwear: 1    2   3

beach: 1    2    3

masquerade outfit: Dress and mask

Interupt My Sleep and I'll Keel You!

family:   Song JiHoo/ 47/ college professor/  It's an easy relationship between Jae's father and her.  It's simple and natural

Song Katherine/43/ baker/  These two are like sisters, theres isnt a single thing these two don't know about eachother.


Choi Jinri/17/ student/   Out of anyone, these two are the closest.  They tease eachother daily but love eachother to death. F(x)

Lee Taemin/ 19/ student/  It was like these guys were born as twins,  They act like eachother and know the other better than they know themselves.

ex:  None

rivals/enemies: (

Jung Krystal/18/  Krystal thinks Jae is maniuplationg and blackmailing Sulli into being her friend and has a hard accepting Jae as a person.

Cupid Shot Him in the  

love interest: Lee Taemin

personality: Taemin is an easy-going guy.  It tkes alot to get him mad.  He takes things at his own pace and adores teasing his friends.  He's childish and stubborn but is funny and loyal.  He tends to get overprotective of his family and friends but could care less if others talk ___ about him.  He tands to lose EVERYTHING and is rather forgetful.  He's loyal but is rather shy when it comes to talking to girls beside Jae.  He often has a hard time expressing his feelings for others and often comes to Jae for help, altough thats just an exucse to see how she would react if he had a girlfriend.  


He likes banana milk and sweets, he dances and plays baseball for hobbies, he hates bugs  and seeing someone he cares about sad.

how you guys interact: Theese two are best friends.  The only different between them and a real couple is the intimate stuff.  These two practically live at eachother house, they'll sleepover and drive eachother everywhere.  They pretend to be in a relationship if the other is being hit on by a Undesirable, and they have no problem embaressing them infront of the others families.  Again, the only thing missing from this reltionship is the skinship and love confessions.

backup love interest:  Choi Minho

backup personality: The same as Taemins but more shy and and excluded.

backup trivia:   He loves soccor and football, his father is a professional soccor coach, and he loves working out.  (Which Jae prefers to sleep on a couch.

how you guys interact: Same as Taemin.

I Guess this is Goodbye 

comments:   I really like this story already!  I hope you pick my character!

scene requests: Where Jae's love interest is nagging her to get up and go exersize but she ignores him.  Then he picks her up and carrys her outisde.

suggestions:  None :)

quote: Say what you want and do what yu feel because those who mind don't matter and those who don't mind matter.


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