JO Twins.

I think it's weird how I feel attracted to Kwangmin but not Youngmin.


They look the same and yet, I like Kwangmin better



Just thought I'd get that off my chest.





Bye bye x


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me too ^^ same here
same here!
I feel exactly the same, lol XD
Haha nice. Actually they have a bit different jaw lines and different smiles. If you go to allkpop they had a little page about it. Just saying lol
Youngmin is prettier
Kwangmin is more manly in my opinion...
sheazar_niearra #5
yeah , BUT i love them both .. because they're handsome in their own ways , even though they are twins .. ^^ they had different aura when it comes to fashion and likes , that's why i love them SOOO HARD ^^ <3~
MissPandaRawr #6
i like youngmin at first but damn his to pretty xD thn i find myself to kwangmin.
i dont like it if the guy is prettier then me so ill go to kwangmin . his handsom. im drolling
yeah!~~ me too
its sooooooo freaking weird,,..but
I STILL LOVE you YOUNGMIN-oppa!~~~>.<

i like both of them but yes i feel more attracted to kwangmin oppa....
Same thing with youngmin...I noticed this a long time ago but Kwangmin's face is slightly sharper so he gives off that bay boy feel..while yongmin's face is softer giving off that flower boy feel
Hehe I'm not really familiar with the band boyfriend but I guess you just feel attracted towards kwangmin because of his personality(?) hehe I have best friends who are twins and I tend to hang out with the latter xD
XD I have the same thing with Youngmin… though now it's slightly turning to kwangmin
for me they don't look alike Kwangmin is more handsome i like him the best (:
Ohmen. Me too! Maybe it's because Youngmin is so quiet and awkward. And I don't like awkward guys sooo..
Hmmmm... Don't know them! O.o