Unreal Academy application


♦ Unreal Academy 

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Contact info 

Username ♦ Primrose0930

​Profile link ♦  Primrose

​What do I call you ♦ Jess



Character Info 

​Character name ♦ Park JaeHwa

Nickname ♦​ Jae or Jj

​Age and date of birth ♦17  DOB:09/30/94

Hometown ​ Inchegon

​Ethinicity ♦ Half Korean and Half american

​Languages ♦ Korean, english, japanese, and french

​Creature ♦ Fairy

Powers ​ the ability to fly and to move objects with her mind, elemental control over spirit and water, and the ability to turn invisible

What grade you are in ♦ Junior



Ulzzang's name ♦ Song Ah Ri

Pic's   1   2   3   4    5

Back up ulzzang name ♦ Kim Shin Yeong

Pic's  1  2   3

Clothes  ♦ Jae prefers modern  and simple clothing, she sloves accessories and always trys to add her own flair to whatever shes wearing, whether it be  a hat or a belt, or a bow, etc.  Tattoo on her wrist and her ear cuff.


Personality ♦ Jae is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Jae  is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on. Jae is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, Jae has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.

Background ♦ Jae was awlwasy different, with her translucent and sparkly fiary wings, whe was always picked on by the others kids for being different.  Yes, she lives in a town where normal humans lived.  Although her father had never noticed the wings before because she constantly wore consealing clothing.  It wasn't until one day when Jae's bulling reached a physical point did Jae release her teleconesis on the bullies and her father finally realize that his daughter was exactly like her mother.  Fearful for his daughetrs life, they escaped secretly to a new home in seoul and Jae come across the unreal academy.

​Likes (4+) ♦ laying in the sun, cherry blossoms, music so loud it hurts, the color purple

​Dislikes (4+) ♦ scary movies, peas, people with an ego, and cold weather.

​Fear (1+) ♦ pain/death

Habits (3+) ♦ Bites her lower lips when she's thinking, twirling hair around her finger, and cover with the back of her hand when she laughs.

​Anything special your character has ♦ The ability to create illusions


Park JiHoo/48/baker/werewolf/ Like a wolf with his cubs, JiHoo is overly protective of his daughter, sure he may send her off to fend for herself, but he is always by herside since her mother was never in the picture./ father.

Park EunMi/45/ college professer/ fairy/ EunMi isn't in Jae's life, they have no connection or relationship/ mother.

​Friends (2+ Name | age | creature or not  | powers | how you act with the person ) 
Choi Jinri ) Sulli/17/vampire/ mind reading and control/ these two are very comfortable around eachother, they are both bright and bubbly so they have no problem interacting with eachother.

Lui Amber/18/ vampire/ mind control and the ability to morph into a certain animal./ Amber is  the tomboy and Jae is girly girl, hence they sometimes fight amongst eachother, however, it never last long.  Like the saying goes, opposites attract.

Rivial  (Name | age | creature or not | powers | why you are and how you act with each other ) ♦
Jung Krystal/18/ vampire/ ability to create illusions and control over othe peoples bodies./ Krystal and Jae are rivals because on the first day of school, Jae was spacing out and walked right into Krystal and caused Krystal to fall face first into a tray of food, letting the  yearbook club get planty of pictures of the humiliating moment./ Jae is very quiet and stiff around Krystal, but she doesn't fear her.



​Name ♦ Lee Taemin

​Age ♦ 19

​Creature ♦ Vampire

​Powers ♦ Mind control and ability to affect the weather

​How you met ♦  When Jae arrived late to class, she was forced to sit next to Taemin and copy down the work she missed.

​Relationship status ♦  next to strangers

​How you act with each other ♦  Very formal and awkward

​Back up love  

​Name ♦Choi Minho

​Age ♦ 19

​Creature ♦ Vampire

​powers ♦ ability to create and control fire

​How you met ♦  During a gym class, Jae was the last to be picked because she doesn't look athletic or even like sports, But Minho being a good sport, tried to help her along and carried her to the nurses office when she sprained her ankle.

​Relationship status ♦ friends

​How you act with each other ♦ comfortable and casual.  They like to tease eachother.



​Why should I chose you ♦  I think my character would be an interesting character to write and i love these kinds of fictional stories.

comments request and questions ♦ no, but if you need anything, dont be afraid to contact me!


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