First time in history




As I said earlier in a blog, my mom made an account and is now part of our big and wonderful family.

She has already posted her story and if you have time, please check it out.

If you see any mistakes or typos please tell me since I translate it for her. When she was young you couldn't go abroad so she didn't need to learn English.

Sure she knows how to read and other stuff but she doesn't  have the confidence, so I would appreciate if anyone out there has something bad to say about my mom joining the community please direct those messages to me and not to her  because she has little faith in her writing.

That being said, here is  the story I was talking about.



The house of screaming ghosts







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you have the coolest mom everrrrr!
Ur mom made an account? What rock have I been hiding under? :O
*liar's not lier's. And demon not deamon. Just wanted to point out ^^ it looks good though, your mom has my support!
Is it a horror story? 0.o I'm faint-hearted. Lol.
Wow your mom created an AFF account? :D I'll have to check her story out then ^.^
Off I go to subscribe!
omg your mom created an aff acc?
she must be so cool!
/goes to le story and clicks subscribe/