If We're Under the Same Sky, I Promise I Will Find You » [ Application ] «

Tips On Getting Chosen:
Fill out the whole applications (except for the optional parts).
Have a detailed and unique personality.
Try not to be two faced unless it's a for a good reason (ex. really mean on the outside but actually very kind.    Actually, that's fine if you explain why).
Everyone has flaws. Include it. And flaws doesn't mean being bubbly but also having a serious side.
Be interesting and give me something new. The more interesting and different, the more likely I'll choose you, and the more scenes you'll have in the story.
I like people who take... an extra step in filling out the app.
If you took time to read: Password is the titleof the song lyrics I used for the subtitles  in the app. Put in comments section @ end
Make sure everything is connected to your personality. (Well, most. Like your how you behave and stuff.)
Keep the application form neat and don't change the format (Took me a really long time to make it). If you change the format, the chance you'll be chosen will decrease.
Quality over quantity.
READ WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BRACKETS. They're there for a reason. : ) Then after you finish, delete all of them.
► Note: I don't mind if you copy from your other applications, as long as you make it better and fit the story well.
Some clarifications:
Your power will be the same as your partner's (not really the same... but like explained briefly in the forward, it'll take two of you to activate the power)
You personality doesn't have to match your power (ex. fire = hot tempered and darkness = mysterious and distant)
The powers will be the same as their... official powers (the ones in the MAMA mv)
In the abilities section, the (ex.) "[2 - 9 to 10s]" means you can put 10 or 9 for 2 of the stats.
If there's something else you don't understand (or just curious about) feel free to ask me! :D I don't bite.
After you're done the form, comment the link to your app in this blog post.
It will not be accepted anywhere else because it's too hard to keep track of.
Unlike before, I won't give a warning this time.



*   means optional

If We're Under The Same Sky, I Promise I Will Find You

[Name of Character]'s Application



Into Your World

Name: [What can I call you?]
Activeness: [1-7 How many days of the week]
As Innocent As A Child Who Doesn't Understand Anything
Birth Name: [Last name] [First Name] [<< Yes, in brackets so that it's easier for me to tell if it's more than one word]
*  Nickname: [Briefly explain why and who calls you that]
Age: [Same age as your love interest]
Birth Date: [In words. Same date as your love interest.] [Ex. January 1st]
Blood Type: [Type and +/-]
Star Sign: [Ex. Aries, Leo, Cancer, etc]

Character Type: [Write what describes your character best. A few words.]
[Quality over Quantity. 2+ paragraphs, less than 5.] [Bold the traits so it's easier for me to portray your character better. Ex. She is very kind.] [Everyone has flaws, please include them here. Being cold to people but actually is soft-hearted is not a flaw] [Please be careful and not go into what she likes in here. I've seen several people start writing about their history or likes and dislikes here. Stay ONLY to the personality here] [Also, don't make her two-faced unless there's a reason. Ex. Really cold and mean, but actually very kind.] [Please think of something original : ) The more you catch my eye, the more likely I'll remember your character, which equals more scenes.]
[2 - 5] [What your character likes, not what he/she likes to do] [Point form]
[2 - 5] [This can include what she/he doesn't like to do] [Point form]
Pet Peeves:
[1 - 3] [Things that annoy you easier than it does others] [Point form]
[2 - 5] [Point form]
[1 - 3] [Point form]

[1 - 3] [No need for technical terms] [Point form]
[2 - 5] [What your character is good at] [Ex.Playing games, typing, soccer, etc.] [Point form]
[2+] [Things your character is bad at/against] [Point form]

[2 - 5] [Interesting facts about your character] [Ex. Favorites, or something that interests her/him, etc.] [Point form]
Favourites: [Food, drink, colour, animal, hobby, ect.]

To Me You're More Beautiful Than An Angel
Ulzzang Name: [Byeon Seo Eun, Park Hye Min, and Choi Seo Hee taken, sorry]
Ulzzang Pictures:
[5+] [HQ. Not selcas. Pictures on the form, not hyperlinked. Keep it the same size please.] [Please have at least 2 front view shots of face][Make it 150by100 please]
Back Up Ulzzang Name:
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:
[3+] [HQ. Not selcas. Pictures on the form, not hyperlinked. Keep it the same size please.] [Please have at least 1 front view shots of face]

Height: [cm]
Weight: [Take your height into consideration] [pounds]
Description of Appearance:
[Are you chubby? Slim? Chubby here but slim there? Long fingers? Thick ankles? Hair colour? Eye colour? Notable features?] [Doesn't have to be long. Quality over quantity.] [Can be point form] [No perfect model bodies]
Eye colour:
Hair colour:

*  Additional:
[Birthmarks? Tattoos? Piercings? Accessories you always wear?] [Explain why/where/how you got it or why you wear it.][Point form]
You Asked Where I Came From, I Smiled And Replied That It's A Secret
[Important events in your life.][Have something interesting. It'll be slowly revealed as the story goes on. : ) The more interesting the better!]
[Childhood and family background][Again, the more interesting the better!]

Family Members:
[Format - Name || Age || Relationship to you || Rate how well you get along (1 - 10) || Brief personality. A few adjectives or something is fine || Anything else I should know?]
[Why did you decide to leave for the mission even though it seem impossible?][Please don't put something like "I was asked to." Elaborate please.]
I Will Protect Your Forever As Your Guardian
Abilities: [Remember to relate everything here to your personality]
[2 - 9 to 10s][5 - 5 to 8s][3 - 4 and under]
Intelligence: ?/10 [How smart?]
Strength: ?/10 [How strong are you physically?]
Speed: ?/10 [How fast are you getting around places?]
Stealth: ?/10 [How well can you sneak around without being noticed?
Stamina: ?/10 [How good is your stamina? Ex. running for a long time etc.]
Endurance: ?/10 [Your mental endurance.]
Resolve: ?/10 [How well do you stick with your plan? I guess it's like stubbornness to finish?]
Intuition: ?/10 [How accurate your gut feelings are]
Agility: ?/10 [How easily you move around]
Bravery: ?/10 [How brave you are]

I Still Feel The Sole Reason For Happiness, Because My Eternity Is Now You
Other Half:
Falling: [Do you two just have a friendship thing or something more?]
*  Additional Details:
[I don't want the form to be way too long like my other apps, so if there's something else you want to add about him, put it here.]
Other Half [Second Choice]:
Falling: [Only friendship or something more?]
*  Additional Details:
[I don't want the form to be way too long, so if there's something else you want to add about him, put it here.]
*    Scene Request: [No or torture scene or something please. >__< It would be nice if you give me something, because I'm still working on my fluff scenes. :P]
You Will Always Have Me, Even If The World Is Dark
Rating: [How strong is your character in battle? Rate 1 - 10, 10 = best][This is offensively.]
*  War Cry: [Can also be a motto or something]
As Long As We Continue On Together, Heaven Is Everywhere
Comment: [Is there something else you want to tell me? Something else I didn't mention?]
*  Suggestion: [Scenes? Events? Anything for the story? Did I forget to put something on the form?]

Ending: [What type? Tragic? For you or for story in general? Happy ending?]
Sacrifice: [Are you willing to sacrifice your character? It's going to be near/at the end though, so don't worry. I completely understand if you don't want to. : ) Don't feel pressured to say yes at all.]
Sorry For The Long App!
Please Leave The Link To Your App In
The Comments Section OfThis Blog
Thanks You For Applying!



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finally done with the app!! :DD
is this still okay? i mean, i asked for an extension but i'm still making sure :p
please do tell me if you find anything confusing or anything wrong with my app. THANK YOU!
OMO! Am I too late? I made mine a few days back but I forgot to post it up here!! O_O I hope I'm not though~ Here!


Just in time for the deadline? I hope?
OMG OMG OMG. I'm so sorry I'm so late TT^TT
But well you said there are very few weak characters, so I gave you one :)


I hope I'm not too late, oh dear. Finding an ulzzang that wasn't already taken was such a pain TT^TT
OMFG aff was being really annoying so I had to rewrite things about five times but finally here is my application and I hope you like it. I did PM you about having more time...so I hope you still consider me! Enjoy!

http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/286694 Here is my application, it took me the all day, AsianFanfics kept trolling me and I had to redo it three times hhehehe
hello! finally I can finish it keke. oh I'm so sorry if it tooks longer than I expected ;A;
nah I hope you will like her then keke~~ ^^

here's my application
have fun reading it, although it's not that good ^^.

;A; Please accept my friend request to view my blog, feel free to unfriend me afterwards. ( OTL )
Hey! I applied!
Took me days!!!
Finally finished, hope you like it and sorry it's rated M for no apparent reason, a technical error I just can't fix.

That's my app.. Please do take your time reading it...^^
INFINITEsnow #14
Tell me if there's something wrong and I'll fix it. ^^
Here is my application, please tell me if I did anything wrong. I'll try to fix it as fast as possible!