XD Just Watch This



Oh god my brother and one of my uncles showed me this video...this kid really thinks he can go Super Saiyan X3 Is he joking though or serious? That's my question O__O He sounds serious. To me I'm surprised he didn't strain himself or something XD Ah reminds me of my Elementary school days though where me and some classmates of mine, pretended to be 'Super Saiyans' those were the days :P


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/shakes head/ i don't even...
So I watched it. And at the start, I thought he was alright cuz he's got that motivation and he really believes in himself. But then.. I just couldn't stop laughing my arse off when he started screaming. "AHHHHHHHHHH *breathes* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" And then at the end, "My name is ______ and I am a super saiyan." I like this kid.