my feet hurt -.- ...

I'm pretty sure the "random" tag section is chock full of my blogs...


Anyways, I'm back nannying again and for the same people^^ (this must mean they love me right^^) which means a somewhat steady cash flow and the ability to get outta my hole in the ground town^^ (my town literally is in a hole) but also means sadly that I will be updating less...or maybe more, I've noticed since I've been able to have a job I've been much more motivated to do more then just watch dramas so who knows^^


it's strange, running around with that kid's pretty hard (I swear she has to have an off switch somewhere-.-) but at the end of the day it feels great... I don't know, does that make me a masochist cause I like feeling exosted? I know this might not be considered a "real" job to others, but I think I love my job, I love being a nanny... It's done so much for my like, hell, I've even started cooking when before this job I was afraid to even turn on a stove^^ idk, maybe I was meant to be a nanny, meant to take care of kids...


but yeah, real tired, what with the running after the kid and cleaning the house a nice soak in the tub sounds oh so appealing right about now^^


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