Dark Street application



U S E R N A M E: Primrose0930

A F F  P R O F I L  E  L I N K: Bang!

T I M E  O N  A F F:  8


C H A R A C T E R  N A M E: Park Min Jee

W E I G H T  &  H E I G H T: 48 kg and 157 cm

H O M E T O W N: Busan

C U R R E N T  C I T Y: Seoul

B I R T H D A Y: 09/30/94

E T H N I C I T Y: Korean

L A N G U A G E S: Korean and english

☠Drop Dead, Gorgous

U L Z Z A N G ' S  N A M E: Song Ah Ri

P I C T U R E S:  1   2   3   4   5

B A C K  U P  U L Z Z A N G: Kim shin Yeong

P I C T U R E S:  1   2    

S T Y L E: Min Jee prefers a modern and simple fashion, she's too big on accessories but loves looking elegant.

  • Casual:   1   2   3
  • Formal: 1   2    3
  • Shoes:  1    2     3
  • At-home/Everyday: 1   2   3
  • Other: 1   2   3

E X T R A: two pirecings in each ear, and a heart tatoo on her wrist

☠Sharing Dirty Serects

P E R S O N A L I T Y:  Min Jee is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Min Jee is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  she can only be moved if someone (preferrably a guy) picks her up bridal style or over their shoulder.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on.  Min Jee is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, Min Jee has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.

B A C K G R O U N D:  Min Jee was always the odd one out.  She was quiet and when she was spoken too, she gave very quiet answers.  As a result, she was often bullied for being different.  Even with her best friend by her side, she was still bullied.  It wasn't until when her father, chief of police, taught her all sorts of fighting styles did she stand up for herself.  Now she defends herself and friends whenever their in trouble, but that doesnt stop Min Jee from being sweet and caring.

F A M I L Y:

  • Parents: 
  • Father/ Park Chin ho/52/ Alive/ chief of police/  Chi Ho is a warmf igure, he adores teasing his only daughter and just wants to see her happy.  He's over protective of every single guy who cames near her and has a fiery temper. He's a pushover when it comes to his family, but can be one of the scariest guys when hes on duty.

    Mother/ Park Eunmi/49/alive/Baker/ Eunmi is usually soft spoken.  she prefers to stay uninvolved with everything, but she has a very stubborn nature.  She cant be swayed when she makes a decision.  Shes kind hearted and is very family orientated.

  • *Siblings: 

    None, only child

L I K E S:  Laying in the sun, rain, cherry blossoms, and music so loud it hurts.

D I S L I K E S: peas, horror movies, people with a big ego, and lightening

H O B B I E S: Playing piano, cooking/baking, reading, writing

H A B I T S:  biting her lower lips when shes thinking, spacing out randomly during a conversation, playing with a lock of hair when she's nervous, covers with the back of her hand when  she laughs.

☠Pick Your Side

W H A T  S I D E  A R E  YOU  O N?  OTHER:  Under cover agent

S P E C I A L T Y: (weapons, hand to hand combat, ect.) Weapons

C H O I C E  O F  W E A P O N:  Shuriken

If Other: 

G I V E  M E  W H A T  U  T H I N K  I  W I L L  N E E D:   The only reason Min Jee went under cover was to make sure Your character didnt get hurt in the process.  she also wanted to help her father out with work.

☠Trust Few


RIVAL: I'm an under cover agent.

☠Young Love

L O V E  I N T R E S T:  Lee freaking Taemin

A G E  &  B I R T H D A Y: july 18,1993, age 20

R O L E: SHINee, weapons specialist

H O W  D I D  Y O U  M E E T?  Min Jee had to get initatiated into the gang, Taemin and Onew were the ones to test her.

W H A T ' S  Y O U R  R E A L T I O N S H I P  L I K E?  Taemin is very carefree around Min Jee, but Min Jee is very cautious around Taemin because she thinks he'll find out shes under cover.

H I S  P E R S O N A L I T Y:  Taemin is very carefree and childish.  he does what he wants when he wants it.  He can be very carying and sweet when he wants to, but being in a gang, he has to appear cruel and cold.   Taemin likes to tease the girls in the mafia, especially Min Jee because she seems so fragile and girly.  He can also get very competetive and protective around his gang, even if he is the youngest.

☠Last Bullet

W H Y  A P P L Y ?: Because it seems like an interesting story!

C O M M E N T S ?  S U G G E S T I O N S ?: none

S C E N E  R E Q U E S T: none


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