♡ Pastel Paper Hearts app | Do Seo Eul

Pastel Paper Hearts



peachy pink ⋮

name : Chelsea

username: SmilingSunflower

profile link : hello


calming lavender ⋮

name : Do Seo Eul

nicknames : Seo, Haru [haru means spring and spring is her favorite season], Snow White [She recieved the nickname because of her fair skin]

date of birth : 9/16/94

age : 17

place of birth/hometown : Seoul,Korea/Seoul, Korea

nationality/ethnicity : Korean


sky blue ⋮

personality :

Seo Eul is a very quiet and calm person, often giving out the impression of being unapproachable and anti social. The truth is, she's painfully shy and isn't fond of meeting new people. Don't think just talking to her once will automatically gain her trust and friendship, you have to have patience. It takes time for Seo Eul to warm up to someone and acutally consider them her 'friend'. She has to make sure that person is honest, trustworthy, and is reliable whenever she's in need before she opens up her heart to them. Seo Eul is heart locked so it's hard to gain her trust and friendship. She's very cautious when it comes to making friends because she doesn't want to end up getting hurt since she's very vulnerable and has a very fragile heart. She can cry over the smallest things and is very sympathetic when she see's someone in need. Seo Eul isn't the type to laugh at others who gets hurt and is a very resoectful and polite person to everyone she meets. Like snow she is very gentle and never raises her voice when she's mad or upset. Instead she keeps her anger all bottled up inside her, not wanting to trouble anyone with her problems.

Seo Eul is a very easy going person, so when she plays games she often looses. She's a very kind hearted and generous person that is always willing to help and give away things to people in need. She's easily amused and it doesn't take much for her to smile. She shows so much gratitude to the smallest things people say or give to her and is always happy with everything she has. Seo Eul absolutley loves the company of other people and hates being alone. Although she doesn't talk to them, just their presence is enough to make her happy. She's horrible at talking to guys and whenever she tries it always comes out as a whisper. Sometimes when she talks to them, they don't even notice her because of her quiet voice. She absolutely hates skinship and can blush very easily. She'll stiffen in hugs and she'll try to tell that person to let her go. Another thing  about Seo Eul is that even after skinship, her face will turn red for quite a while. Seo Eul puts others first before herself and is known to be a very independent person. She usually goes off by herself thinking that no one wants anything to do with her. She wants to do everything herself  and hates it when people try to assist her. Seo Eul wants to show that she's a strong person and can handle an situation by herself, usually causing trouble for herself. Sometimes she can be too confident in herself and ends up hurting others. Since she hates seeing other people cry and hates feeling guilty, she'll automatically apologise did, even if that other person was the cause for trouble. Seo Eul often cries when she apologises to people and even cries afterwards because she puts all the blame towards herself. She hates crying infront of people and often hides away.

Seo Eul isn't the type to forgive and forget quite easily. Once you make her upset and cry, she'll automatically loose trust in you and considers your friendship over because she feels hurt and betrayed. Once her trust in you is completely gone, it's hard to get it back like it is to earn it. Seo Eul probably gives the longest silent treatments ever and ignores who ever made her upset. When she sees that you're trying to get her attention, she'll look right through you like you're nothing. She won't make any contact with you and will try to avoid you as much as possible. However, when she see's how much you're willing to gain her trust again, she'll forgive you.

background :

Seo Eul came from Seoul, Korea where her umma was a makeup sales woman while her appa was a guitar teacher. She had an older brother, Do Kyungsoo, who was responsible for her since her parents were always out and doing their jobs. Kyungsoo was a good brother, always looking out for Seo Eul and taking good care of her. Even though people saw her 'ugly' he would always assure her that she was the prettiest girl in the world next to their umma. She was known for having very fair skin, but people said that her eyes and body was ugly since she was a little chunky back then. While their parents were gone, Kungsoo was usually in charge of keeping the house clean and coking the meals. When Seo Eul was in 3rd grade, Kyungsoo decided to teach her how to clean and cook since he needed help to clean the house and prepare food. They were both responsible siblings and never fought with each other.

When Seo Eul entered middle school, that's when she began to turn concious about herself. She never knew how judgemental the society was until she began to be made fun of because of her looks. She was chubbier then the other students and they often said that her eyes were ugly. Especially after her biggest crush rejected and humiliated her infront of the whole school, she decided that she's had enough and soon became annorexic. She didn't want to be made fun of anymore and suffered from annorexia for half of her middle school year. She recovered before her graduation and decided to live a helthy life after, trying to learn how to accept herself.

likes :

Bubble tea



Anything shiney and pretty

Anything sweet

dislikes :

Alcohol and drugs



Crying infront of people

Anything scary

hobbies :

Playing guitar and ukulele



Writing songs

Dancing ballet

fears :

Dark places


Sight of blood



habits :

Biting her lower lip and batting her lashes when she's about to cry

Blushes easily and palming her cheeks to hide it

Carries her ukulele everywhere with her

Saying her thoughts outloud when she's thinking

Has to hug something when she sleeps

trivia :

✌Learned ukulele and guitar from her dad

✌Always wear this bracelet her mom gave her

✌She doesn't know how to swim

✌Her goal in life is to be a famous singer

✌Used to take taekwondo

✌She has a scottish fold kitten named Mochi

✌She's never been on a roller coaster or ferris wheel

✌She works at a bubble tea shop

✌She has a fast metabolism

✌Learned how to cook and clean at 3rd grade


sweet rose

height : 168 cm

weight : 46 kg

ulzzang/model name : Kim Shinyeong

ulzzang/model links : C A N D Y

backup ulzzang/model name: Mikki

style :

Seo Eul loves to wear anything with pastel colors and floral prints. Her style is comfortable but cute, and doesn't like it when she wears clothes that are too revealing. She usually wears shorts and skirts over jeans and usually wears graphic tees and blouses. Sometimes she likes to wear knitted cardigans over some of her shirts.Seo Eul doesn't really like wearing heels or flats and prefers wearing shoes and sneakers. She tries not to stand out of the crowd and isn't the type to put on too much accessories.

C A S U A L  C L O T H E S



anything else?: ----


princess peach

parents :

Do Jong Kyu || 43 || Dad || Guitar teacher: He treats Seo Eul like she's the most precious thing in the whole entire world. Seeing how many hardships and pain his own daughter had to endure, he's afraid of even letting her out of his sight. He's afraid that something horrible and tragic would happen to her and she'll suddenly be taken away from him in a blink of an eye. Being daddy's little girl and the youngest at once, she gained a lot of attention from him. He often spoiled her by buying her gifts and other items, but Seo Eul wasn't very happy about her father spending money on her. He's a very sweet and caring dad that loves to look out for his 2 kids. He's very over protective of them and can be very strict at times. He doesn't have a very high temper, but it's hard to tell when he's going to explode from frustration.

Do Ri Ahn || 41 || Mom || Makeup sales woman: She treats Seo Eul and Kyungsoo like grown adults, unlike their dad. She let's them go and do what ever they want without her supervision and says 'yes' to almost everything when they both ask for permission to do something or to go somewhere. She may seem like a careless mom, but she cares a lot for her children's safety. She's just too focused on her work that she sometimes doesn't even listen to what her kids are asking her or telling her. She has very high expectations in both Seo Eul and Kyungsoo and can get easily frustrated over the smallest things. She's a complete clean freak when she's not busy with work and can be quite the nagger. She never has time for free time and doesn't really know how to relax since she's always over worked.

siblings :

Do Kyungsoo || 19 || Big brother || works in bubble tea shop with Seo Eul: He's a very caring and kind brother that always looks after Seo Eul. Never once would he  ever think of hurting or yelling at Seo Eul since he knows all of the harships she's been through. Kyungsoo is always there to lend a shoulder to cry on and is always the first person Seo Eul goes to for comfort and tips. He always goes where ever Seo Eul will go and never really let's her out of his sight, just like their dad.He hates seeing Seo Eul upset and hurt and will become quickly enraged when he finds out who hurt her. Kyungsoo can be careless at times when he tries to defend Seo Eul and usually ends up getting hurt because he's first to pick fights. He's over protective of Seo Eul and hates it when guys approach her and try to make a move on her since he believes that they'll only end up hurting her. When he picks fights, it's not easy to get him to stop. The only person that he'll listen to is Seo Eul because he wants to keep her happy. They're not only siblings, but also best friends.

best friend (1-3. include name (first, stage name- if they have, last, then group), age, personality. ex: bae 'suzy' su ji | miss a. 18. nice, sweet, daring, ect. but be more creative.):

Son Naeun || A Pink || 18 || Naeun may appear cold and rude at first, but deep inside she's a very sweet and caring girl. Although she's very quiet and doesn't speak much, her actions speak louder then her words. Like Seo Eul, she's a very generous person and is always offering to help people. She's a very artistic girl that loves to express herself through drawing.  She can be a very talkative person and isn't the type to turn her back and talk bad about her friends and others. Naeun hates to be judged and hated on, but she usually let's the small things slide. Although she's very good at keeping her temper, she can easily start blowing up your face and start threatening you until her arguments become irrational. Other wise, she's a very calm person that likes to have a peaceful atmosphere.

Kim Jong In/Kai || 18 || Kai may appear like the flirty and rebellios type, but everyone should know to never judge a book by it's cover. Kai is actually a very shy and timid person when he meets people he doesn't really know. Although, it doesn't take much for him to warm up to someone very quickly. Once he's comfortable around someone, he starts to show his dorky and conceited side. He's a self praiser, but he doesn't like to boast about himself too much until he gets to the point when people think he's just plain self centered. Kai isn't the self centered type, and he's always looking out for his friends and family. He can be a little erted at times and he absolutely loves to do skinship.

love interest :

Kim Myungsoo/L || Infinite

his personality :

L is a  quiet and mysterious person. He doesn't even need to do anything to intimidate you, just a stare from him can send chills up your spine. Just his presence in a room is enough to make the atmosphere tense and awkward. He's the boy with the solid pokerface and the heart as cold as ice. The boy that can't be melted and be pleased. L doesn't need to flirt for girls to swoon and fall head over heels over him. His mysterious personality is what draws girls to have interest in him, each one hoping to melt his heart. He's never dated anyone and has never been kissed, and isn't really planning to.

Despite his cold image, he can be a very nice and caring person. What people don't know is that under his tough skin, is a very down to earth boy. In reality, he's a very outgoing boy that loves to make friends. A boy that lives his life to the fullest and enjoys the company of others.  The boy that loves to smile and laugh. The person that would always look out for his friends and family. He's the boy that's always tripping and falling. He's Myungsoo, the happiest person his friends know. L is gone when he's with the people he loves, in his friend's and family's world, L doesn't exist. Only Myungsoo, the warm hearted boy that everyone loves.

backup love interest : Oh Sehun || EXO K

rival : Krystal Jung || F(x): Seo Eul and Krystal used to be the best of friends. Always looking out for each other ever since they met at 4th grade. That was until they entered middle school when everyone began to look down at Seo Eul and began judging her. No one wanted to get close to them and often labeled Krystal as a 'looser' just like herself. Krystal didn't like the feeling of being avoided and being hated on, so she decided to leave her alone and join the popular crowd. After that she treated Seo Eul like dirt and often spreaded false rumors about her, but got told off by Kyungsoo.


mint green

storyline: Ugly Duckling

backup storyline: Tu Me Manques

deam scene : -----

ending : bittersweet | sad | happy | other

if other : ------


snow white

anything else in general: -----

comments, concerns, questions:


Anyways, I'm really sorry for being this late! I'm such a lazy bum for not finishing this earlier! But I still did my very best in this application, even though if it seems a little bit rushed in some parts. ouo;; I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hope this is enough for you to hopefully pick me. Oh, and please don't ever stop updating this story. It's a really great and unique idea and I want to see what will happen! Anyways, good luck with your story! C:

password: I'd tap dat ouo


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