Marching to the beat of love application ^0^



username: SmilingSunflower
profile link:
aff activity: 5
what do you want me to call you?: Just call me Chelsea ^^
about you.
gender: female
name: Hwang Chan Seul
birthday & age: May 12. 17

grade: 11
ethnicity: Korean
spoken languages: Korean (fluent) English (fluent) French (semi fluent)
birthplace: San Fransisco, California
hometown: Busan, Korea
ulzzang/model: Park Hwan Hui
links: 1 2 3 4 5
back up ulzzang/model: Kim Jee In
links: 1 2  3
height: 167 cm
weight: 49 kg
appearance: Chan Seul has long brown hair and usually ties it up in pigtails or usaully lets it down. She has brown eyes that always end up in an eyesmile. Her waist is 23 inches wide and she has the hourglass figure. She always peircings on her ears and changes them very often. Chan Seul always has to wear 3 bracelets on her left wrist and she always keeps a special ring on her finger. She dresses up very girly and she likes to wear anything floral, sparkly, and colorful.
Chan Seul is known as the "it girl" in the whole student body. Not just because of her looks, but also because she has all the physical and mental traits of what guys would want as their ideal girl. Most people in the school would agree to this too, but if erted and naughty is on you list, you might as well go find another girl. Chan Seul is the friendly, motherly, mature, and feminine type of girl that is very independent and has a lot of confidence. She makes friends quite easily because of her friendly and outgoing personality, which catches most of the boys' attention. Her confidence also makes her stick up from the crowd since other girls are quiet and cautious. She's a great conversationalist and can get her way into any guy's heart in a snap. Not that she chooses to, but because it's part of her nature to make guys fall for her. Chan Seul is very good with secrets and it's nearly impossible to get her to spill anything. She doesn't care if you threaten her or try to ruin her image, she'll do anything to keep someone's secret safe.
Chan Seul is surprisingly very mature for her age. She doesn't laugh when someone cracks a stupid joke and hates it when people act like 6 year olds when they're obviously supposed to have the mentality of an adult by now. Sometimes she thinks she's too mature for things and can be a little rude when she's around someone who's immature, but she doesn't intend to of course since she's not a hot tempered girl. Chan Seul is also described as motherly because she treats her friends as if they were her children. Once you're her friend, she'll baby you and treat you like you were her child. Some of her friends even say that she's more strict then their own parents! If you don't get good grades or if you don't clean up after yourself she'll go all naggy on you. She sometimes claims that she's "training" them for parent hood by doing all of these things. Other then being a naggy girl, she'll care for anyone who gets hurt. She won't laugh when someone gets hurt and will help them immediately. Chan Seul hates it when people get bullied and will immediately help them with what ever is wrong. She's very good at giving out tips for almost everything and she can always talk to you about your problems and feelings. Like a mother, she's always offering everyone a shoulder to cry on. She supports all of her friends with the desicions they make and will continue to cheer them on, just like your own mom.
If you want to get close to her quickly, fashion, make up, and cosmetics are the right tools to get you into her friends list. Chan Seul is all about looking flawless and having femininity. Since she's very good at handling makeup, most people that have seen her work call her a make up guru. She knows almost everything there is to know about makeup and how to apply it correctly. She knows what shades and colors go best with anyone's complexion and can make any girl look like a model. If you need a girl that's a pro at cosmetics and that knows all the best brands, Chan Seul is the girl you're looking for. She's tried a majority of products from whitening, pimples, scars, blemishes, white heads, dark spots, and facial washes and scrubs. She knows what brands are best for each catagory and which ones that show no results at all. Chan Seul can be quite the fashionista when it comes to dressing up and she'll always look her best when she's going out or just simply hanging out with friends. She's always up to date with fashion and wil always go off and buy the latest trends. Even though some clothes might not look good on her, she can always fix that by bringing it to her tailor. Since she's very good with looking her best, she can be very handy when it comes to someone trying to look good for their crush.
Chan Seul's parents knew each other since they were born. Their parents were very close so they wanted their kids to marry each other as soon as they were of age. It wasn't a problem for them though since they already liked each other when they first met. Her  parents always sticked together through everything and it was nearly impossible for them to seperate. Her mother even told Chan Seul that they would sneak out of their house and run away together where they couldn't be disturbed or taken away from each other. Her father even told her that when they were playing one day, they pretended to have a wedding of their own and used ring pops as their rings.
As soon as they actually got married, they moved to San Fransisco to have a new beginning. They moved to San Fransisco because they loved the golden gate bridge and also because they loved the ocean.  Because they loved the ocean, they moved into a small, yellow apartment by the beach. Living in that house made it easier for Chan Seul's father to get to work since he was a fisherman. Her mother usually stayed with her and her little brother, Jae Bin, and taught Chan Seul how to apply make up when she was just 5! She taught her poise and manners and always dressed her up to make her look more mature then she actualy was. This of course builded up on top of each other and made Chan Seul the well mannered girl she is today.
At age 10, they moved back to Korea because her grandpa was suffering from lung cancer, and he needed all the help he could get. Chan Seul and her brother sometimes had to skip school because they had to help their grandpa when both of their parents were off at work. Since they had to skip school very frequently, school work was very hard for them. When Chan Seul was 15, her grandpa finally died. After their grandpa died, they were enrolled to summer school so they could learn all of the lessons that they didn't learn and so that they would catch up quickly in their next school year.

  • Anything sweet
  • Rilakkumma
  • Hello Kitty
  • Makeup
  • shopping
  • reading fashion magazines
  • strawberries
  • cosmetics
  • blogging
  • giving tips
  • horror movies/stories
  • Tea
  • bubble tea
  • smoke
  • alcohol
  • sharp objects
  • dark places
  • being alone for a long perid of time
  • immature people
  • rude and annoying people
  • braggers
  • people who try to get her attention
  • messy places
  • her friends being lazy
  • Playing with her hair when she's bored or when she's nervous (most guys think it's a flirty action)
  • Biting her upper lip when she's listening or deep in though
  • Turns really clumsy when she's angry
  • Puffing her cheeks when she's irritated with someone


  • blogging about cosmetics, makeup, and fashion
  • playing xylophone
  • singing
  • dancing
  • drawing
  • Chan Seul knows how to play piano
  • She always wanted to take taekwondo
  • She's never dated anyone, but she's been asked out various times
  • She always has to hug something when she's sleeping
  • She's very good at not showing her intrest with a guy
  • She's a big fan of Infinite
  • She's got so mad once, she broke her arm (remember that she is clumsy when she's mad or upset)
  • Even though she's good with kids, cooking is not one of her strong points
  • Her mom used to be a makeup artist
  • She's very flexible
  • Takes singing and dance classes outside of school
Hwang Ji In | 42 | Mom | stay at home mom, used to be a makeup artist | She's very sweet and caring and acts like a fashionista
Hwang Jae Sun | 43 | Dad | fisherman |He's very supportive and makes fun of Chan Seul saything that she's his second wife
Hwang Jae Bin | 13 | none | He's very loud and stubborn. He's always cooped up in his room playing video games

Lee Ah Rin | 17/11 | Quiet, shy, and reserved. Very hard to approach, but she's really talkative when she's with Chan Seul | Their parents are really close | Besties
Lee Sunggyu | 19/12 | He can be rude and bossy at times, but he's very supportive and trustworthy | They take singing classes together | Best guy friend

best subject: English
worst subject: Math
favorite class: Science
overal grades: A+ in everything but a C in math
social life:  It Girl
instrument or color guard: Instrument || Xylophone
(optional) position?: pit crew
how long have you been playing?: 4 years
what got you to play the intrument?:
 No reason, just playing brings her back to the old days when she was a kid
commited?: Yes
 how often do you practice?:  8
It wasn't much of an "I hate you and get away from me" rivalry. It was more of a "friendly competition" to see who's best. They started becoming "friendly rivals" when they first met in middle school. They both tried out to play the xylophone, but Chan Seul was chosen over Krystal. Now that they are in high school together, they both compete to see who's better and sometimes have competitions in their free time.
love interest?: Lee Sungyeol
back up love interest: Jo Youngmin
grade&age: 17/11
He's a very loud and childish boy that loves to pull pranks on everybody. He's friends with everybody, but annoys the crap out of all the "mature people" like Chan Seul. Since he's very loud, he gets into a lot of trouble at school because he talks too much. Other then being loud and talkative, he's a straight A student surprisingly. He can be a little careless at times and end up getting in trouble or hurting himself.
relationship: friends
how do you act around each other?:
When they're around eachother, Sungyeol likes to annoy the crap out of her. He's always teasing her and occasionally touching her which creeps Chan Seul out, but also gives her butterflies. When he has his drum sticks, he likes to act like he's banging them on her head. Chan Seul is a little rude around him since he keeps talking non stop to her. Sometimes she threatens him if he doesn't go away, but Sungyeol knows that she's just playing around. If her threats go a little too over board or start to scare him, he leaves her alone.
instrument: tenor drums
past relationships?: none
the end.
password: PRIDE~! \(^0^)/
suggestions? questions?comments? words of encouragement?: WOOT! I FINALLY FINISHED MY APP~! *throws confetti* Anyways, I wish you the best of luck in this story and I'm really looking forward to it! You see, this is my first time applying for a story like this so I worked extra hard on this app. I hope you choose me, but I'll still read the story if you don't. HWAITING~! ^0^



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