✩ it's a star twinkling, beautiful night 「application」

it's a star twinkling, beautiful night





Cho Bom Lee☄
ello, hello
name : SmilingSunflower

activity : 5
✩it's a act
character's name : Cho Bom Lee

nicknames : Bommie, Da Bom [Just like 'the bomb']

age : 17 [turning 18 soon]

birthday : 11/12/94

enthnicity : Korean-British

language : Korean [fluent] English [fluent] Japanese

birthplace : New York
obviously twinkle
ulzzang name : Mikki

HD links : C A N D Y

back-up ulzzang : YiYi

HD links : C H U

height : 168 cm || 5 ft and 6 in

other : She has the same birthmark as her dad on her right ankle.
She wears glasses at home, but wears contacts outside.
 She never takes off this bracelet her umma gave her.
et's have a eart to heart
personality :
Bom Lee is a very calm and quiet person, making people think that she's unapproachable. However, she's just painfully shy and isn't very fond of meeting and talking to new people. Don't just think that talking to her once will automatically gain her trust and friendship, you have to have patience. It takes Bom Lee time to warm up and get used to someone to actually consider them her "friend". She has to make sure that she can rely and trust that person before she opens up her heart to them. Bom Lee is very cautious when it comes to making friends because she doesn't want to end up getting hurt since she's very vulnerable and has a fragile heart. She can cry over the smallest things and is very sympathetic when it comes to seeing people in need. She isn't the type to laugh at others who get hurt and is very respectful to everyone she meets. Like snow she is very gentle and never raises her voice when she's mad or upset, instead she keeps all of her anger bottled up inside herself since she doesn't want to bother anone with her troubles. She blushes very easily and isn't used to skinship. She'll stiffen in a hug and her face will turn red for quite sometime afterwards.
Bom Lee is a very easy going girl, so when she plays games she often looses. She's easily amused and it isn't very hard to make her smile. She shows so much gratitude and thanks to the smallest things and is always grateful with everything she has. Bom Lee absolutely loves the company of other people, even if she doesn't speak to them, just their presence is enough to make her happy and smile. She's horrible at talking to guys and whenever she tries it always comes out as a whisper. Bom Lee always puts others first instead of herself and is very independent. She usually goes off to do her own things thinking that no one wants anything to do with her. She wants to do everything herself and hates it when people try to help her. Bom Lee wants to show that she's a strong person and that she can handle any type of situation herself, usually causing trouble for herself. Sometimes she can be too confident in herself and can end up hurting others. She hates seeing other people cry and will automatically apologise for what she did, even if the other person was the one who caused trouble. Bom Lee often cries when she apologises to people and even cries afterwards since she puts all the blame to herself.
Bom Lee isn't the type that forgives and forgets quite easily. Once you make her upset and cry, she completely looses trust in you and considers your friendship over. Once her trust in you is completely gone, it's hard to earn it back like it was to gain it. Bom Lee probably gives the longest silent treatments ever and will completely ignore you. Even when you're right infront of her and you're desperately trying to get her attention, she'll look through you like you're invisible. She won't make any contact with you. However, once she sees how much you're willing to gain her trust again, she'll forgive you.
likes :
+ Anything sweet
+ Listening to music
+ Nature
+ Making new friends
+ Bubble tea
+ Anything romantic even if it's cheesy
+ Rilakkuma
+ Hello Kitty
+ Anything shiney and sparkly

dislikes :
+ Dark places
+ Being alone
+ Anything scary
+ Heights
+ Bugs
+ Crying infront of people
+ Anything spicy and sour
+ Lightening and thunder
+ Alcohol and drugs

hobbies :
+ Playing the ukulele and guitar
+ Listening to music
+ Drawing and writing
+ Writing her own songs

habits :
+ Blushes when she's having skinship with someone & stays red afterwards
+ Bites her lower lip and blinks a lot when she's about to cry
+ Playing with her hair when she's nervous or bored
+ Hides in her closet when she's afraid or when she cries

trivia :
+ She blushes real easily
+ She was going to take violin instead of guitar, but when she watched a famous band in TV she decided to learn guitar
+ She has a scottish fold kitten named Mochi
+ She's terrified of large bodies of water and always stays in the shallow side of the pool
+ She can't swim
+ She knew how to cook ever since she was in 3rd grade
+ When she speaks english she has a british accent
+ She's bloodtype B
+ She's allergic to seafood

occupation : Works in a bubble tea shop
✩I will e on your side
background :
Bom Lee was born in New York being Korean-British. Her mother was half English and Korean while her father was full. They lived in a small apartment that was close by the ocean since her parents absolutely adored the sea. Bom Lee's father worked as a fisherman while her mother was a makeup sales woman. Since both of her parents were often at work, she had to learn how to take care of herself. That's why her mother began to teach her how to cook and clean at age 8 and often gave her many chores to keep her busy when they were gone. She didn't have any electronics to play with since both of her parents didn't want her to slack off and get lazy. When she was in 3rd grade she already knew how to cook and clean the house all by herself. When her parents got home from work she often already had dinner made for them.
They moved back to Korea when she was 10 since her grandpa had lung cancer and her parents wanted to support him while his days were quickly passing by. Her grandpa was a very good guitarist, so when he found out that Bom Lee was interested in learning he taught her. Bom Lee's grandfather died 2 months later after he stopped teaching Bom Lee and she started taking classes elsewhere.She's a straight A student and often got awards for her academic skills. Bom Lee has been elected as the student rolemodel many times because of her great listening skills and because of her impressive grades that were high for her level.

family : feel free to add extended family in the same manner and more siblings
father / Kim Suk Jae / 47 / fisherman / 10
mother / Kim No Eul or Elizabeth [english name] / 45 / makeup sales woman / 10
friends : 2-4
 Lee Sungyeol/ 19 / barista / best friend/ He's very childish, loud, and friendly. He often teases Bom Lee sometimes and introduces her as 'Da Bom' just to make her sound more intimidating sometimes. He's very talkative and sometimes can never keep his mouth shut. Although he may seem like he'll spill out everyone's secret because of his constant rambling, he's very trustowrthy and can be overly protective of Bom Lee.
Kim Hyuna/19/bubble tea shop worker with Bom Lee/close friend: She's very shy at the first meetings, but once she gets close to you she's really talkative. She's full of charisma and makes friends quite easily. Hyuna likes to do aegyo sometimes, but mostly pulls off the y act best. She's very loyal and trustworthy and considers Bom Lee as her "daughter".
goodbye aby, goodbye
requests : none

questions? comments?: WOOT! I finished my application! ^^ I hope you enjoyed my application and good luck with your story! I'm really excited to see who will get picked! Oh and please don't give up this fic! It happens a lot nowadays and I really want to know what happens! C:

suggestions? none




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