
first... to AFF's update or whatnot. it's not major boo or whatever. just... the errors breaks my habit of opening AFF once a day whether or not i do something. 

on the upside: one less temptation away from finishing what i must and need to do. 


second... so  i heard about T-ARA's predicament.

yes.. so sad that hwayoung was removed/terminated from the group. yes, too bad about the 'bullying' stated. and so so sad that i just learned her name now and whatnot. kill me. and would you think me evil that i scoffed and roll my eyes at some comments by netizens? and i still do roll my eyes remembering comments in general. 

hwayoung was bullied. so they say. hwayoung has a darkside. so they state. but then again in my objective opinion --- everyone  gets maltreated, bullied and has a 'darkside' to his/herself. idols are humans too, if people are so affected by one idol's negatives, positives and misgivings or achievements... do remember when you say or state your sentiments or opinions you could be doing the same things you've been...

to the CEO. Forget the other members. Shame you... blahlblahblah. 

i'm saying this in general. 

but on the upside: there are those that are in the neutral. i mean not playing safe. just stating the fact that something like this that happened now and being publicized has been done in normal occasions to normal humans as a joke, a way of showing endearment and also sad to say just to hurt others. and again i'm not saying this coz i'm not their fan. i like T-ARA i just didnt make it a priority to memorize their names as to some other groups i've come to like.


third... who get's re-hearing for their research?

me and my group do. because of the level coordinator who was the adviser of the study we based our study in. we totally jsut forget to add to our bibliography the said study and now we were told of copying everythign word-for-word. 

-i roll my eyes that can't raise it's eyebrowse like a - but then again we do have a lot of mistakes and errors. for starters we printed the wrong paper and gave it to them. still.... chill doc, it's not like we were aiming on plagiarism. 

on the upside: we get to make a better<?> paper but yeah... we kinda have to start from scratch. and we get to be requestioned. and i see not being asked questions because we were told that our paper won't be accepted as a good thing... lol


so i hope everything here in AFF will be okay. soon. and that the T-ARA thing would settle down too. that they won't have lose their fans. i mean they're good. 


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