
No offense to anyone. This is my opinion. I support Hwayoung. I've watched a lot of vids showing evince of T-ara bullying Hwayoung and I can't help but to believe it. And Hwayoung looks like a sweet girl. I am not a T-ara fan. Not even close. I used to try but I just can't seem to like them. I somehow don't like Eunjung and Jiyeon and this one girl that I don't know her name. I used to think I like Soyeon(?) because she was in OMS!, but ended up not liking her much. I don't know why. I just.. Yea. But Hwayoung had been catching my attention when I was still thinking my favourite was Soyeon(Orz I'm not sure about her name. Not a fan remember ._.). And now all my questions has been answered. No wonder I couldn't like T-ara. No wonder Hwayoung caught my attention. I shall support Hwayoung. I heard a rumour saying she wanted to enter Cube. Which is good. Cube family is nice and loving. I was never bullied before. Not even close. Mostly because I went to the same primary school my mother teaches. Another reason is because people find me cold and scary. This may seem weird but I know a lot about how bullying feels(emotionally) and could cause thanks to reading. It's a horrible thing. And what T-ara did was dissapointing and unprofessional. I mean, After School's member graduates and they add new members a lot of times. Yet they can handle it coolly. They're like, 'oh hey welcome to the group'. On another side note, Woohyun fixed Hwayoung's umbrella at the idol campionship <3 and that day she hung out with Sistar instead of T-ara. :) By now maybe some of you are either pissed, rolling your eyes, agreeing or thinking I hate them. Well do remember, hate is a strong word. Hate is used by an anti. And I am no where near that. I'm just simply dissapointed. I'll end my long rant here. Thank for those who actually read this. Just need to get this off my chest. Oh, and fyi, if you found any typos, I'm currently using phone so yea.


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fatihah20 #1
No it's not
Absolutley right! ^^