cracking that whip

I don't like yelling at people, but it seems if I want my niece to do anything I have to resort to yelling. I let her stay up until midnight, that should be enough right since I'd originally had planned to send her to bed at eleven but now she's just sitting there pretending that she can't hear me...

...I can tell you now, if she were my kid she would listen, and if she didn't she'd spend every waking moment in the corner on her knees staring at a spot until she behaved and listened, cause there's no way I'm putting up with something like this.

and frankly, I don't care how her mom raises her, she's in MY house so she goes by MY rules, I don't care how late her mom lets her stay up, how much candy she's aloud to eat, it's just not happening in MY house.

I'm soft spoken and tend to act like someone who's easy to walk all over but when it comes down to it I won't put up with crap. I'll coax you into doing what I want in a gentle manner for a certain amount of time but if you still refuse I'll make you do what I want...


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