Beautiful Night



WOW. There's the 17 second teaser for us poor, hapless b2uties. Catch me, I'm dying.

I get that the video is 21 seconds, guys. But the audio is only 17 seconds. So there's my little technicality thing... I'm lame.

Anyway, if you don't understand what he's saying, or haven't read the trans yet...

I'm looooooooooost

Only you can make me nervous

I'm out of control

I'm yooooooours


No one else can replace you, you make me crazy.

OTL I'm dying.


Anyway... since I'm not exactly a heavy blogger, I'll just throw this into the pot because it's related........


And I regret nothing

Actually, the story behind that is:

I don't have a way to pay for things online anymore since my mom killed my bank account. So I asked my super awesome white best friend who gets to do pretty much whatever she wants to buy  it for me. Via her father.

I have to pay them back... and I owe her one obviously. So I'm really paying 40 bucks for this.. Oh well. 

But I will die, more specifically, explode into a ball of sunshine and happiness when 22nd rolls around and a month later, when I get my album.

You know, if my mom doesn't kill me for doing this behind her back....



Like I said, I'm not a blog haha.

Yeah, the embed videos are always so small, right? I MADE IT BIGGER.

Here's what Seungie saaaaaaid:

It's the beautiful starry night~~~

GOSH. THIS SOUNDS LIKE HEAVEN. And not Ailee Heaven... but heaven heaven. I'm on cloud nine!! Or.. I'm on star nine to match the whole night theme. Har har....


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yoena_B2uty #1
lol !! I wanted to buy this album too. I keep saving up my money since the beginning of this year. I'm sure it is worth it ;D
pewpewmallow #2
nice tags, btw.
pewpewmallow #3
lucky bastard.