Kpop Challenges [Day 8]

So yeah, I definitely have been neglecting my challenges ever since I moved... so today, I'll post the 4 days that I missed due to us moving.

Here's Day 8!~

Bias Challenge: An edit of your bias in Kara and T-ARA

Goo Hara (Kara) and Eunjung (T-ARA)  - Color of the day: Yellow

Music Video Challenge: The saddest MV you know.

SunnyHill - Pray (I never cried during an MV but this one had me dying... Probably because I can relate to it... It's just so sad to me. Also, the person who explained what happened in the music video in the current top comment did great.. It really helped me get it more.)

EXO Challenge: Your bias from Exo K

Sehun (Okay, so this one was hard... I don't really pay as much attention to Exo K as I do Exo M, so I picked Sehun because he pops out the fastest to me.)

If you want to do the challenges too, here's the overview/list of challenges that I'm doing: Overview


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