Undderated K-Pop Groups?

Which groups boy guys and girls do you guys think, need a bit more recognition?

I started listening to Dalmation a few months ago they aren't too bad. I only like their songs 'Lover Cop' and 'That Man Opposed' though :shrugs: but you don't seem to hear a whole lot of these guys, Nine muses are an okay girl group too.

I'm just curious though: What do you think, is the most undderated and not well known K-Pop group? I also think 5dolls and Orange Caramel sign pretty good ^^


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U-Kiss, SS501 and Rainbow are rather underrated
Did you see the proper black eye one of Dalmatian had in 'That Man Opposed'??? The choreographer to that deserves to be fired, that 'fake punch' bit has caused accidents. Did you see that one guy get socked in the mouth at a live performance, and the blood on his teeth/tongue for all to see?? 0___o

I think U-kiss and Block-B are underrated. I FREAKING LOVE THEM.
A-Jax they're in the same company as SS501/Kara/Rainbow
DSP entertainment
And also watch their reality show "Making the Star" so you can get to know more about the members :))
Chi Chi, U-KISS, Block B, Co-Ed...

Well, Orange Caramel is a sub-group of After School, but I suppose that they should get more recognition.
i agree with dalmatian. e.r. is like my favorite right now. a-jax, block b, one way, mighty mouth, nine muses, u-kiss, chi chi, co-ed school, cross gene, exid, EL (solo artist), N-Train, HITT, F.I.X., new fo, piggy dolls, rania, she'z, sunny hill, tritops, vixx, x-5...hmm, my underrated list seems to be sufficient XD
i think this new group named A-Jax should get a bit more attention they are super cute and y all at once and have the type of music we all know and love ^^
BI--oh wait...never mind.

/trolls around
U-Kiss, yes! Block B—and with all that confusion they had, they lost a lof of fans, but their music is pretty good.