[Application] TWINKLE{SM's Newest Girlgroup}


The Real You


AFF USERNAME: inexospirits


AFF Link: ^^


Your Real World Nickname: Akemi


About Your Character


Full Name: Moon Hee Young


Nickname: -none-


Age: 17


Birthdate: 22/01/1995


Birthplace: Seoul


Hometwon: Seoul


Ethnicity: Korean


Language: Fluent - Korean, English; Semi-Fluent - Chinese


Height: 174kg


Weight: 101.41lb




Ulzzang Name:  Jang Chom Mi


Ulzzang Pics[3+]: 01 02 03 04 05 06


Back-up Ulzzang Name: Jo So Yeon


Back-up Ulzzang Pics[3+]: 01 02 03 04


Statistics Attitudes



Personalities: Bubbly, outgoing, mischievous, caring, that's how people who knows Hee Young describe her as. You can see that Hee Young is always smiling, from morning to night, you can hardly see her frown or sad because her bright smile hides everything. Being an Aquarius, Hee Young is very observant, thus she always realise things before her friends do. She cares a lot for her friends, always helping out whenever they have problems, listening to them whenever they are troubled. But she never tells anyone about her problems. Hee Young can be very nice to you until she realises that, you are always taking her for granted. Her friends also calls Hee Young a mood-maker because she is so humorous, always telling jokes, lifting the atmosphere. Hee Young likes to read novels during her free time or do some sports. She is a very sporty person. Hee young is a very light-sleeper, even the smallest sounds wakes her up.


Likes:  ​

  • Playing piano

  • Being alone
  • Reading novels
  • Singing
  • Coffee
  • Dancing
  • Exploring
  • The color white
  • Wind
  • Pororo


  • Cats

  • Dogs
  • Messy or unorganised
  • Ill-mannered people
  • Attention seekers
  • Coldness
  • Being tickled by people
  • Liars



  • Singing

  • Writing
  • Dancing
  • Learning new things
  • Photography
  • Reading



  • Kicking the blanket off when she is sleeping

  • Always spacing out
  • Touching the back of her ear when she is deep in concentration
  • Frowning while reading and sleeping
  • Mumbles in her sleep


About Your Family


Mother:  Kwon Eun Ji ; 44 ; Nurse ; Mother


Father: Moon Joong Ki ; 45 ; Doctor ; Father


Sibling/s: -none-


Outside Your Family


Friends: EXO, Kyuhyun, Sungjong


Best Friends: Kai, Luhan


Where do you meet?: Training rooms


When do you meet?: After trainings


What are you usually do together?: Chat, sharing about singing and dancing




Partner: Oh  Sehun


Where and when do you meet?: Outside Exo's training room, Hee young was walking past with one of her group member and suddenly Sehun was being pushed out and knocked into her, causing her to spill the cup of lemon tea on her shirt and shoes.


Ex: Nam Woohyun


Where and when do you meet?:  When I went to woollim to find sungjong.


Why do you broke up?: Hee young felt that they are not suitable for each other and also didn't want to distract him from his schedules.




Rivals: -none- 


Why did she become your rival?:


On The Stage


Stage Name: Moon Hee Young


FanClub Name: Bubbles


FanClub Color:  This color 


Desired Position: Lead vocal, sub-rapper


Back-up Position: Lead dancer, sub-vocal


Years of Training: 3 years 5 months


Anthing Else


Password: Twinkling stars


Comments: hwaiting! tell me if you need anything to be changed~ ^^ good luck in choosing~




-Lead Vocalist,Sub-Rapper


-Main Vocalist,Sub-Dancer


-Lead Rapper,Sub-Dancer


-Main Rapper,Sub-Vocalist


-Lead Dancer,Sub-Vocalist


-Main Dancer,Sub-Rapper


-Face of the Group,Vocalist


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Congrats unnie for being accepted as Twinkle's lead dancet.Please show my co+suthor your application form and we'll handle everything even your teaser.Goodbye.