[Application] Aria : New Girls Group Cube Entertainment !


The REAL You ...


AFF Username : inexospirits

AFF Link : ^^

Nickname  : Akemi


About Your Character ...


Full Name : Kim Ji Hye

Nickname : -none-

Age :  17

Birthdate  :  22/01/1995

Birthplace :  Vancouver, Canada

Hometown : Seoul

Ethnicity : Canadian-Korean

Languages [ Fluent or semi-fluent ] : Fluent - Korean, English, Chinese

Height : 174 cm

Weight :  46 kg




Ulzzang Name : Jo So Yeon

Ulzzang Pics : o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6

Back-Up Ulzzang Name : Park Sora

Back-Up Ulzzang Pics : o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6




Personalities : Bubbly, outgoing, hyper-active,mysterious, caring, calm, that's how Jihye's friends describe her as. You can see that Jihye is always smiling, from morning to night, you can hardly see her frown or sad because her bright smile hides everything. Being an Aquarius, Jihye is very observant, thus she always realise things before her friends do. She cares a lot for her friends, always helping out whenever they have problems, listening to them whenever they are troubled. But she never tells anyone about her problems. Jihye can be very nice to you until she realises that, you are always taking her for granted. Jihye is extremely calm and collected, regardles of what situations, but she is extremely explosive when she is pushed to the limit. Jihye can very very nice and close to you at this moment but also be very indifferent and cold to you at another moment. She hates lies, betrayal, faking and cheating, once you did any of this to her, she will slowly distance herself from you, and everntually leave you.

Jihye likes to do things different from others, she likes to be original. Jihye is also weird in such a way that she also do weird movements, making weird sounds, always making her friends crack up. Jihye is also curious about things, she will definitely get the answer to her questions no matter how difficult it is. Actually Jihye prefers being alone, she likes to enjoy the time being alone to imagine about all sorts of things or for reading, she loves reading novels. Once Jihye started reading a book and it totally caught her, she spends the whole day reading it, totally oblivious to the surroundings. She is also sometimes very lazy, likes to procrastinate when she doesn't feel like doing anything. Jihye is kinda a clean freak? She doesn't really like messy or unorganised place, she will definitely make sure that everything is in place. She also likes to do sports, netball, basketball, tennis, squash, sailing, she can all this every week. Jihye is an extremely light-sleeper, even when someone lightly cover her with the blanket or opens the door, Jihye will be woken up, unless she is really tired, she sleeps very soundly.

Likes : 

  • Playing piano
  • Being alone
  • Reading novels
  • Singing
  • Coffee
  • Dancing
  • Exploring
  • The color white
  • Tennis


Dislikes  :

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Messy or unorganised
  • Ill-mannered people
  • Attention seekers
  • Coldness
  • Being tickled by people
  • Liars
  • Movies

Hobbies :

  • Singing
  • Writing
  • Dancing
  • Learning new things
  • Photography
  • Reading


Habits :

  • Kicking the blanket off when she is sleeping
  • Always spacing out
  • Touching the back of her ear when she is deep in concentration
  • Frowning while reading and sleeping
  • Biting her lips when she is bored
  • Shouts extremely loudly when she is mad
  • Mumbles in her sleep





Family : 

  • Kim Seok Won ; 45 ; Co-owner of a clothing and model company ; Father
  • Zhang Jiaxin ; 44 ; Designer ; Mother
  • Suho (Kim Joon Myun) ;  21 ; Singer ; Older brother 

Family History : Jihye's mother is a Canadian-chinese, her parents met each other at her father company which was still her grandfather's. Jihye's mother got an internship of 2 years at the company and both of them meet very often due to work and eventually went out together. Her parents got married soon after a year of dating. On a visit back to Canada while pregnant with Jihye, her mother accidentally slip and outside of the house because the floor was too slippery and gave birth to you. When you were about 1 year old, you flew back and stayed in Seoul. You often fly back to Canada with your older brother to visit your grandparents. 




Friends : EXO's Kris, Lay, Chen; SNSD's Hyoyeon

When do you meet ? : Whenever Suho calls Jihye over to their training room or when Jihye has ended her trainings. Jihye meets Hyoyeon whenever Hyoyeon is free from her schedules.

Where do you meet ? : Training rooms.

What are you usually do together ? : Chats, learning new dance together, teasing each other, everything!

Bestfriends  : BTOB's Minhyuk and Eunkwang

When do you meet? : Mostly after trainings

Where do you meet ? : Cube cafe

What are you usually do together ? : Chat, complaining to each other.



Love Interest 1 : Luhan

How Do You Meet and Your Story with Him : Luhan accidentally knocked onto me when Jihye was going to enter the training room to find Suho to pass him his medicines because he was having a terrible headache. After Luhan knows that Jihye is the dearest sister that Suho is always talking about, he teases her whenever he sees her. Always pranking Jihye at the corner of the corridors, causing her to scream and jump, making Jihye chasing after him, running everywhere. Luhan is always trying to get Jihye's attention, especially after he knows that Jihye is scare of tickles when Suho tickles her, he starts to tickle her as well. Luhan gets jealous when he sees Jihye is being close with Kris or Lay, he will purposely dragged her away and stop her from going back to them. Although Jihye always shows that she doesn't like, but she actually likes it when Luhan gets jealous. 

 Love Interest 2 : Infinite's Woohyun

How Do You Meet and Your Story with Him : Accidentally bumped into him at SBS building. Jihye had a crush on him but was afraid that he doesn't like her back because he is so nice to everyone, especially girls. 

Who do you want to be with ? : Love interest 1




Rivals : -none-

Why she/he become your rival ?




Stage Name : Kim Jihye

FanClub Name : Bubbles

FanClub Colour :  This color 

Desired Position : Lead vocal, sub-dancer

Back-Up Position : Main vocal, sub-rapper

Years of Training  :  2  years, 7 months




Comments or Suggestion : Post on my wall if there's anything I need to change~ anticipating on your story! hwaiting! ^^ 





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um.. I'm fine with both~
both desired and back up position has been taken .. is it fine if you take Main Dancer, sub-vocal as your position or you wanna change it with someone who took Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper?