That Moment When....

When you're browsing around for more review shops and one of the rules says 'DO NOT REQUEST IF ENGLISH IS NOT YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE' *facepalm*

Review shops like this are just...I don't go to those kind anyway. Ah well the author was kind of a anyway, if you look at her blog posts and she's friends with that 'certain someone' so...yeah you can already guess her personality.

I'm just...I just don't understand!

How are non English speakers supposed to learn English if a review shop, DOESN'T ALLOW NON ENGLISH SPEAKERS? *coughs* A that's who *coughs*

Okay I'm done now...

Off to roleplaying and doing whatever it is I normally do ^//^ *skips away*


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What a jerk!
i'll review for you i dont care if english isn't your first language ^^ I respect everyone!