New Idea, New Inspiration, New Story?

Well, I just watched a Japanese-American Movie that's called

"Dareka ga watashi ni kiss a"


"Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac"

and I thought a plot that will be a little bit similar to this one BUT:


Unlike my "Our Bonded Spirit" that's a continuation of the book, this one will be a story of a Celebrity who had an accident then lost her memories when she's already at the peak of success.


"Memoirs of a Celebrity Amnesiac" was the first title that entered my mind but I'll make an original one. Kkkkkk...


So I'm still planning about who'll be the main guy. If it'll be Kris, Chanyeol, Luhan or Suho (Ican'tleaveoutmybias).. So I'll be having a poll.






But I can't promise you that I'll make it right away. I still have to think about the flow of the story and I still have 2 On Going Stories so I think it'll bquite a long time before I'll be able to post it.


So there's my idea.. I hope someone is interested.. Please leave a comment if you have suggestions about this plot and that's it!!




And for my readers, I'll update later, just wait. :D


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You chose the Happy Virus. I hope I won't disappoint you guys iwth this. :D
i chose chanyeol!