Talking To Bob

Dear Bob,

It's been a while since I talked to you ^^

Anywho~ I'm back again to talk to you about my troubles.

Lately there's been people who have been really pushing their luck. Like REALLY pushing it. I thought it was just one of those phases. I've hated everyone at least once before, you know that kinda stuff.

Anywho, I tried and tried to get rid of the annoyance i had to them. But every single time I try and be nice they take advantage of it and play with it however they like. I may seem nice and carefree on the outside but I'm a total on the inside.

I know I'm a . I admit it and couldn't be more proud to tell everyone. But because if I'm my real self I get judged. So, I hold my inner and mangle whatever is closest to me so that I don't accidently let myself slip.

I admit to being a but I don't necessarily like being one.

When I pull a joke it's offensive and pisses everyone off. It's not even that big of a deal. What's wrong with teasing someone about their height or age?

But then they pull a joke aimed at me that goes too far. If i react, they tell me I'm too stiff and that it was only a joke. Tell me how is dissing the fact that I don't have my real mom a joke? I just wanna wring your neck to a post and leave you there for all I care. But noo, it was all a 'joke'

Bob, tell me what I should do ;~;

I am really close to snapping. I would've snapped already too but then there are others involved. If I snap, I could very well damage my relation with everyone else. 

How did I end up with the whole 'Jenny won't care. It's Jenny. She won't mind.' image?!
You make up this image without me knowing and then everyone else is convinced I'm like that. Soon as I don't follow my image you go "Woah. What's wrong with you? It was just a joke." Or the "Wow. That was mean. Too far Jenny. Too far"

I just wanna slap each and everyone of them. D<


Bob ;~;

My dear imaginary true friend. What should I do? 


Life is a total .



xoxo Jenny (aka azoid)






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Nah, just some little trolling that's all :P without you in the chatroom, it would have been too boring :D
badtestament #2
Well I am not Bob so I do hope my name Joel suffice. Just want to let you know, sometimes people joke and they don't know if they have taken it too far or not so if they do cross your limit, you have to let them know. If they do value you as a friend, they will understand what they are joking about is hurtful to you. And if they don't understand, just change friends because true friends don't hurt, they encourage each other instead.

PS : Don't worry. I don't have my real mom and dad around either so I kinda know how you feel. I went through the phrase where people made fun of the fact that I was adopted and stuffs and they expected me to laugh along with them. So to such people, I tell them what I really feel and if they respected and valued me as a friend. they would understand. For those that didn't, they would realise that I would somehow dissapear from their life.
Screw those people! Let's meet up and runaway to Korea, find SNSD's dorms, and live in their basement. You don't need to hear bull from those people. Cause if they say/joke about something just as harsh or sensitive, what rights do they have to say that you went to far. Hello to those hypocrites, open your minds~ Jenny here wouldn't have to contain her "inner ".

Okay that's not helping... But you should keep your head up high. Since I'm pretty stupid, I recommend you tell them the truth. Just a question, are they you friends? If they are, they should understand you. And if you can't slap them, I'm willing to get slapped if that eases your anger... Although we don't even know or live near each other. I hope your problem is solved peacefully. Sorry, that my comment is no help. ㅠ ㅠ
*shakes head.
the world is full of delusional s. and i think ppl are taking you for granted :/
Jenny, if only I was there, I would've just punched them in the face... but since its not as easy as that, I would suggest you to just tell them the truth politely. Honesty is the best policy. Well, that's what I think. But I can't believe they'd joke about something so sensitive... Hey, I'm sorry too if I've said anything wrong to you... Oh yeah, and I'm here if you need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener and adviser ^^
buynlara #6
sorry if I'm nosy, but with my experience I think I can give some advice ...
you have the power to decide who can hurt you and who does not ...
if you think that person loves you erir only close your heart and just imagine that it is not you who speak, and after a while it stopped ...
Now the question you have to do is for that person attacks you so much? that has feelings towards you? that behaves that way? maybe if you find out things will be clearer.
as you can count on me whenever you need some advice ... **
ShinyAvarice #7
I may not be Bob and you may not consider me to be a true friend but I hope I haven't ever offended you and if I have then I apologize outright. As to what you should do, speaking from my own experience, you should find a way to constructively 'vent' your feelings into something like drawing or jogging both help me when I know everyone's against me.

I rambled a bit there sorry, I hope you find a way to deal with your problems. I hope my advice helps as well. I'm not very good at this kind of thing.

Anyway stay strong and again I'm sorry if any offense has been caused on my part.