Q-eens application


 The Real You


Profile link (Hyperlink!): LInky!

What should I call you?: Hara

 Your Character

Name: Kim Su Ah

Nickname(s): Poker face Se Na, walking Wikipedia.

Age (15 - 24): 17

Birthplace: Jeolla Do, South Korea.

Hometown: Seoul, S. Korea.

Ethnicity (Be realistic!): Full Korean.

Languages (Max. 4): Fluent in English, Korean and conversational Japanese.

Blood Type: B

 Your Appearance

Ulzzang Name: Byeon Seo Eun

Photos of Ulzzang (5+ links):

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Jung Ha

Photos of Ulzzang (3+ links):

Style  (Describe, and link it, hyperlinked!): Her style is very simple, she always wear a leather jacket or fur coat. 1.2.3. She also never ever wear a dress unless money is involved, she hate one piece.

Height (In CM): 168cm

Weight (In KG): 45kg

 About You

Personality: Se Na is abit weird, she is very smart,talented and beautiful. But she has a major obsession with money. She is very calm and quiet, but when someone asks a question(even asking the other person) she will answer like a wikipedia. People sees her as a tough girl and very hard to approach but shes very easy. She is very naive but she never cries for small things. She will do anything if theres money involved. Unlike her older sister, she is way opposite. She is not cute and has face punching aegyo. She thinks her sister is being immature and yet over rated.

Backround: Se Na was born in Jeolla Province, and she was very sick baby then. She had asthma and never went to school, but she had a passion to learn. She learned everything by herself, peolpe called her a prodigy. But every subject and every part of her she still lacking. Then her Asthma was gone when she was 8 and she also found out that she has a older siblings and one of them are living in seoul where they live with their mother. At age of 12, Se Na and father moved to Seoul when her mother died in a car crash. Se Na also found out the location of her siblings. When she was 13, she found her interest in dancing and singing. She joined JYP  just to get to know HyunA and when she turned 15, her father introduce them to her. But her older sister wasn't really what she thought, her sister was childish and cute.

Likes (5+): Peppermint Tea| Chamomile Tea | Choco Pie | Animals | Books | Jewellry | Money

Dislikes (5+):  Bugs | Braggers | Practice | Study | Catcthing flu 

Hobbies (5+): Read | Drink Tea | Eat | Earn Money | Play Piano.

Habits (5+): She fixes her hair when she nervous | She likes to answer the hard question even though no one asked her | She drinks tea before she goes to sleep | She acts cute and her tone will raise whenever there's a good looking idol/actor | She glares when she wakes up.

Fears (5+): Heights | Darkness | Lightning | Getting hated by others | Hyuna's fans 

Trivia: She has a Golden Retriever puppy named Na Mi  and a bengal cat named Norae|| She drinks Mint Tea everyday || She can sing and has a very beautiful voice || She knows about animals || She knows about the universe.


Family Members :  Kim Jung Su | 48|  Business Man| Father | He is very outgoing and humorous father who is very supportive and yet dependent to her own daughter.

Jeon Min Joo |44| Nurse | Mother(died)|She was a strong women with strange taste in guys. She has soft spot for cute guys(like her father).

Kim Hyun Ah | 20| Idol|Half-Sister|Awkward to each other and yet she tries her best to be the older sister.

Kim Hyun Ho | 19 | Student | Half-Brother| They treat eachother like a cousin, more than sibling. But he thinks Se Na is weird.

Kim Hyun Suk | 18 | Student | Half-Brother | He tries to avoid her and thinks shes ruining their family. But deep down he has crush on her.


Best Friends (Name | Age | Occupation | Relationship with character | How they treat you):Choi Jin Ri(Sulli) | 18 | Student/Idol | she is very lively and sweet. But sometimes shes is dorky and jokes around. 

Friends (Name | Age | Occupation | Relationship with character | How they treat you):  Bae Su Ji(suzy) | 18 | Student/Idol | She is very honest and cute to Se Na and Suzy thinks if she were a guy, she'll date Se Na.


Rivals : Kim Hyun Ah |20| Idol | Se Na feels professionally competetive towards her own sister. But she is honest with her and tries to steal Hyun Ah's Popularity status.


Name: Im Jae Bum (JB)

Age: 18

Personality:He is very talkative and really likes girls who looks like a doll. He likes people who are dependent of him and he likes to protect younger people, especially girls. He seems like a playboy, but he is just too kind and easily fooled. He likes to tease, but not so much that can make someone cry.

Relationship with character (Friend zone, Boyfriend, Crush, etc): Sunbae-Hoobae.

How you act around each other: She feels shy around him and thinks that he looks like a prince and yet she thinks he's a playboy. So she basically ignores him or give him smart remarks which irritates him. Though He thinks she just shy and don't know how to act around him and he thinks she is very cute and always teases her or be a busybody.

How you met: JYP Audition. She met him by accident while she was searching for the audition room and bump into him.

Back-Up Lover: Daehyun(B.A.P)

Personality: Same as 1st choice.

 As An Idol

Position: Main Vocalist/Dancer

Back-Up Position: Main Dancer/Rapper

Stage Name: Se Na

Persona (No Ice Princess and Aegyo Queen, be crative!): y 4D Diva

Individual Fan Club: Senatics

Individual Fan Color: Electric Blue and Black

Trainee Years: 4 Years and 5 months.

Pre-Debut (Tell me about your trainee days!): Se Na wasn't really active in Music when she was young and learning how to dance was very hard and she sometimes tries to skip, but her singing talent was enough to make her debut. Though it is not idol package and she was put to train one-on one in Lee Soo Man's order. People thought he was being biased and chose her instead of all the others, but it still took her 4 years to complete training when the contract only says 2 years.


Password: The Chaser

Suggestions?: --

Comments: Fighting!


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