ELF!? You have to read this!! *I beg you on my knees!*

ELFs this is long but YOU must read this, this is for our KING please.. read this and spread as long as you can

Year 2009.. SORRY SORRY. Year 2010...BONAMANA...Year 2011...MR.SIMPLE...Year 2012- Y FREE and SINGLE.

For sure, ELFs are still on a high after the massive and epic success of SJ's 5th album, Mr.SIMPLE...but MR.SIMPLE is so 2011. 6jib.and here we have a new album to fight for and support..Y FREE and SINGLE. Sadly, at this early stage, it looks like ELFs have to work HARDER to make the boys HAPPY.

surely, SJ hit an all-kill victory in digital charts as SF&S was released.It was only short-lived however as T-ARA released their new song. Much more, all-kill queens, 2NE1, also achieved ALL-KILL status. Now the question hangs... will ELFs fail SJ in digital charts???

Where's the BANG and the BOOM?? (album sales)
I have read from JESLYN HO that 6Jib physical sales aren't impressive and showed the comparison on sales from 4jib to 6jib. If u study the graph carefully, the results and figures are ALARMING. 6JIB doesn't seem strong, unlike we what we are expecting... SOLUTION: purchase only from shops which are counted in HANTEO.

ELFs, we need to realize we are in a head-to-head collision against one of the toughest groups in Korea-2ne1. Don't underestimate them. They are so strong and were called ALL-KILL queens. Do not be laid back. Please help in digital sales and rankings.

TOUGH COMPETITORS are still waiting
Though they live under SME's one 'family' but the truth is..SJ's toughest rivals are their labelmates themselves! one of Korea's most successful girl group eve, SNSD (Girls Generation) aren't making a comeback yet. KPOP gods, TVXQ are still waiting for their turn, whereas, KPOP QUEEN, BOA is set to have a Korean comeback after SJ.. With all these comebacks, ELFs should not let SJ be left behind!!

KPOP's KING of ALBUM sales..no more?
SJ was hailed KPOP Kings of Album sales since 2009. But with BIG BANG's impressive sales (they were hailed KPOP kings of album sales for 1st half of 2012), are we going to let SJ lose their "crown"?

Crying TEUKIE..oh no, NOT AGAIN!
did u remember when LEETEUK cried in despair after failing to claim GDA DAESANG in 2010?? do u want that to happen again?? do u want them to be so down and lonely??

Leader and Yeye are going to leave for the army ..very soon! Kibum and Hangeng are working hard even outside SJ. Heechul is still watching us even he is in army. Kangin endured his 2 years away from us but came back as he promised.. THESE MEN.. do u want to disappoint them??? don't let them down.. 6JIB must be huge success!

I have read this before.. we had BONAMANA because of SORRY SORRY's success. We had MR.SIMPLE due to BONAMANA's album sales. what will happen if SF&S will be a flop?? well, don't expect for 7jib? that will be so SAD!!!
I also heard that 6jib might be their LAST for now.. (the reason why the packaging is soooo good and the songs are excellent). If we fail them in their "LAST" project, do u think SME will still care to release another album for them?? I highly doubt it! Especially now that rookie groups are being groomed.. SJ must live up to SME's expectations

A+++ for the EFFORT
SJ must be given a rating of A++ for their effort to come up with a good album despite busy and hectic schedules. This is for their love for ELFs.. how can we give back the love? Simple. make Y FREE and SINGLE an EPIC, MASSIVE and WORLDWIDE success!

Teukie said that the BIGGEST FANDOM is ELF.. will the 'BIGGEST FANDOM' disappoint their KINGS?? will they let their SHINING STARS down?? Only you, ELFs can answer the question.. WAKE UP before it's TOO LATE.

ELFs, where are u now?? I also realized that 6jib sale is not as good as 5jib sale, but i believed in u all, ELFs. So pls pls buy more album, stream, and download the song legally.

-eunsoo (admin in other FP"


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That's why I want all the ELF to vote for SUPER JUNIOR!
If you haven't heard the song Suju made for us! you should.
We can't let them down!!!<3
Well D_R_Mattice, you're not the only one who doesn't care for EXO. I don't really care for them but I don't really hate them. All though Super junior are better than them, EXO are a little good. You can't deny that. But still how could the ELF leave Suju for EXO. Super junior are better looking than those EXO babies!!!EXO is still to young. And they can never be as good as Suju. Suju have done to much to just be aboned like that. Those ELF who left Suju for EXO must be crazy or just stupid! EXO can never be at the same level as Suju. That's why I voted for Suju's sigle before 2ne1 and the others. Suju deserve it better that anyone!<3
I don't know why but I'm crying when I read this 'TRIBUTE to KANGIN, YESUNG, HEECHUL, KIBUM, HANGENG and LEETEUK...
Leader and Yeye are going to leave for the army ..very soon! Kibum and Hangeng are working hard even outside SJ. Heechul is still watching us even he is in army. Kangin endured his 2 years away from us but came back as he promised.. THESE MEN.. do u want to disappoint them??? don't let them down.. 6JIB must be huge success!'