Hinsdale New York: The Dandy House

So you guys remember that episode of 'A Haunting' I mentioned in one of my blogs 'Dark Forest' right? Man I REALLY want to check out that house XD See I guess what happened was around 1970 a family moved into it, Clara Miller, her husband and her four children-in the show they only showed two of the four- but anyway, I remember in the first part of the episode the husband goes up stairs I think and he sees all these dead fly's and even live flys/bees in the room.

I heard the paranormal can attract bugs/insects and animal's too, like they sense something is coming or something? I don't know...anywho later in the episode Clara goes out in the woods and it's said you can hear this strange chanting, the sound of an ax hitting against the tree, and in the episode they heard a woman screaming (her son Mike did I mean).

They say back in the Civil War era when the house was built that a pregnant woman was hung from one of the trees, and her spirit must've been the ghost woman in that episode...well it's just a thought anyway.

So yeah this house seems pretty legit doesn't it?

The Miller's moved out though in 1974 because they tried to do an exorcism but I guess it failed I think. Seems like a nice house, though it looks pretty old now but I heard they're doing repair's in certain area's that are messed up. If I ever go to Koreatown,New York I'll have to stop by that area in Hinsdale. Sounds like fun :) Yeah I know I'm weird XD

One of my cousin's ordered a book for me written by Clara Miller actually, it's called 'Echoes of A Haunting: Revisited' and then I asked if he could order another one 'You Know They're Here' by Paul J. Kenyon I think, who also tells of his events that happened when he explored the house and the Miller family. Seems pretty interesting...

The reason why my title is 'The Dandy House' and not 'The Miller House' is because Clara's maiden name is Dandy and she switched to her maiden name after she had a divorce in...I can't remember sorry :/ ^^;


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Sounds cool. Supposedly there are a lot of haunted places in California, where I lived. I've visited a few places. It's eerie.