Starlight Application

Username: Supfunkayhelen
(Korean of English) Name: Helen (English) Chae Hae Rin (Korean)
(Date and year. 1993 and up) Date of Birth: 1993 15th may
(Be creative) Nicknames: heavenhelen, helen the melon, Haehae, Rinny, Rin
(It has to match you) Personality: I’m a good listener and loves listening to others. I am willing to help anyone in trouble.

Cheerful is me, I’m normally the one cheering up my friends. I would crack up jokes randomly to make my friends happy. That's why i'm sometimes called the Jokester but it's only with my friends as with stranger i'm a shy little rabbit. BUt when i meet someone that give me a feeling that they would be a person that i'd like then i would go up bravely to them and start a conversation

 I am very positive as i always think the best side of things. I believe that being positive would make a persons life way happier.

I'm not the normal girly girl not the tomboy either, more like a sporty and musical girl. Sometimes i would not care about anything and act like a boy, climbing on trees, riding motorbikes and doing reckless things. But i also have my girly side giggling, going shopping and dressing up.

I look quite innocent but i not really. If i see a person i like i would try my best to impress him but also try to look that i'm not. And it works

I'm really competitive, but being oositive if i lose i would think that i have gained something during this lose and i definitely would be able to do better next time, but that rarely happens, as i win most of the times.

If you see me talking and noone's beside me it's not that i have gone crazy it's just that i like talking to myself sometimes it makes me express my feelings, but i only like to express my feelings alone.

I also express my feelings through the piano, everyone can identify my emotions through the music i'm playing but noone can identify my feelings through my facial appearance as i'm always smiling and my eyes don't give away either but occasionally when i'm extremely sad i do give away.

i'm a loud person and likes shouting across the room which gets me quite a lot of attention which i don't really like. but after a while, i got used to attracting attention and i would try my best to attract attention by my humor, talent and my talking.

I can get very serious at appropriate times and it's like i've turned into a totally different person, since i'm normally not that serious.

I have like a double personality as i can turn really cold when i'm angry or upset so i guess you can know when i'm upset. People knows that when i'm quiet and smiling i'm in that mood and they would know to not talk to me or other wise i would randomly start screaming at them for no reason.

I have a lot of opinions and would always express them but i'm careful not to offence anyone but of course sometimes i still do.

If i have a goal i won't give up untili succeed it but if it's with love i would leave it alone if i find out that we're not destined to be together.


(Read below) Picture of What You Look Like: 

(Read below) Position: Second Main Singer and Second main dancer
(As an individual) Fanclub Name: Heaveners, or helenmelons
(Use you fav color I guess) Fanclub Color: light blue
(Actor or singer. Read Below) Partner: Hankyung/kyuhyun
(Anyone could work) Close Friends: Jessica Jung, Tiffany Hwang, Im Yoona
(Optional) Rival:
(Your past) History: I'm a very talented girl in my primary and middle years. I succeeded aMus in piano in year 8 and did really well in academic in exams and test but if i don't study i always fall behind,

Sports! of course i did really well in them as i 'm a sporty girl and i have succeeded to the state finals once for table tennis but that's it as i gave up on sport and focused on music .

Singing and dancing became my point of life plus playing piano and i devoted my time on that and of course my studies.
(I think you know this) Ethnicity: Half Chinese Half Korean
(Anything You Want) Family: Single family

Mum - Song Jennifer
(Trivia, talent, and all that) Extra Info

Talent:  humor, piano, singing and dancing

Blood type : o

Favourite color: blue

food: ramen and chicken

loves reading writing music

love amusemet parks wish i could go there all day

loves the smell of air just after it rained

loves streetdancin and hiphop

love photography i can take really good and pro pictures too taught by grandpa

i wear contacts or glasses

i have had braces before

i've never broken any bones or anything.

i'm quite a healthy girl.

I love reading fanfics and writing them (secretly )

I love dramaas

love romance especailly those in the dramas, wish my own relationship would be like that.

Weight- 48kg

Height- 168cm 

Likes- daydreaming, dancing and singing, travelling, strawberry flavoured things, the smell of the air after rain, soccer, reading,

Dislikes- being interrupted, plain milk, standing out a lot infront of a huge crowd, awkward silences, fights between friends that last a long time, when her temper gets out of control, when other people like relatives boast about how talented she is 




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