
Well here's the thing: My mom called us and told my nana, our rabbit had some worms inside her yesterday or whatever they're called. The vet said Spot's has a fifty/fifty chance of living but my step-dad doesn't want to put her down, my nana's trying to tell my mum that sometimes it has to be done and my mom agree's with that I think.

That's not the main issue though.

What's happening is it's going to cost 470.00 money they do NOT have, to try and help her. She's suffering pretty bad from what mom said, her whole bottom is almost dissapearing I think :( Spot's I mean.

Luckily our cat and kitten can't get what Spot's has so they'll be fine from what the vet, told my mom and step-dad. I hate the thought of having the rabbit put down my nana does too, but 470.00? That's not easy for our family to come up with in a blink of an eye. I'm sorry if I sound harsh or mean but we just can't come up with it, no matter how many bill's we pay off.

We've had this rabbit for one-five year's I think, I saw her since mom first bought her and I love her to pieces. But I think it's best, if we put her down only my step-dad won't listen and I kind of see where he's coming from but still...having an animal suffer instead of just letting her go? What do you guys think?

Sorry for posting this I just want to hear your guys's opinion.


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The poor little guy is suffering so I can understand the instinct of wanting to help. But then the money...I understand how that goes as my family has a hard time with it. It's all part of life though. My decision in something like that would to just let the poor thing go so she can't suffer anymore.
sorry to go off on a rant on you ^^; it's something that people down always realize, you know?
it's not mean. i don't like to talk about it, but something similar happened to my dog about 4 years back. she was already 16 and one night started throwing up blood. no bile or anything, just straight up blood. we took her to the vet to find she had stomach cancer to where if she lived, she would die of starvation and blood loss because she was bleeding internally and lost her appetite. to remove the tumor would require a surgery that cost $800, and wouldn't even prolong her life time- she would still probably die within the year. we ultimately came to the decision to put her down not necessarily because of the money- she was part of the family. but if the animal is suffering, you're doing it no justice as an owner to almost force it to live even though its deathly sick. i can agree with your decision, no matter how hard it may sound. i'm glad you have a say in this though...when the time came for my animal (even though at the time i would have wanted my dog to live) my parents didn't discuss it with me at all and i came home and they were like "...yeah, we put her down". hwaiting!
Sure. It wouldn't be human to let it like this just because of our emotion. The poor is suffering after all! But as for the money... I understand what you mean. Life can be really hard sometimes!