I hate that I did nothing -.-

I come from a pretty diverse family, whether is be race, religion, ual orientation or political view, and well, I don't really encounter alot of racism... and that's not really something to be surprised about, I come from a tight knit community that is very integrated...

today I saw it, heard it and I did nothing.

I feel pretty bad, I mean I don't like when people go around judging me cause I'm white but then I go and do nothing when it's towards someone else? It happened hours ago but I still have this terrible taste in my mouth.

I don't plan to associate with these people anymore, I don't wanna be near them if they judge people by where they came from and what they look like... I don't think it can make up for my lack of response though...

so sorry world, I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to go against people I had thought of as friends until today.

sad face -.-


on a brighter note, my daddies birthday is tomorrow, I'm going to make him a picture^^


still disappointed in my self -.-


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