Breaking Point Application




Username: jaelii
Profile Link:
 jaekyung or mary is fine c:

Who are you?

Character name: Lee Jaekyung
Nicknames: Jae
Eris's nickname for you: Priss, Princess, the Little Miss
D.O.B: January 15
Height: 164cm
Weight: 50kg
Ethnicity: Korean

Is you cute

Ulzzang name: Baek Sumin

Back up ulzzang name: Kang Sura
One picture:
Extra: No tattoos or even earrings because her parents forbade it.
Either ulzzang is fine, but i thought that sumin's face fit this character more.



Why the hell should I accept you and waste my time training you?

Personality: There are two sides to Jaekyung; one is sweet and obedient - the perfect child - while the other is a complete apathetic, bored from her shielded life. People only know of the first one, but hey, is it her fault people are so quick to judge by appearances? Those with the most innocent faces are the least innocent. She likes to humor people and let them think she if full of rainbows and sunshine, but her other self is desperately trying to claw itself out. It is accurate to call her a smiling apathetic -  she doesn't really care about what happens to her or to others, but smiles at anything and everything under the sun. But mainly, she is bored from her "perfect" life. No one dares to oppose her because of her father's status in the camp and she has maids and butlers everywhere she goes. She silently judges everyone, but puts on a friendly smile on the outside because that's what you do when you're the upper class. Everything is supposed to be all rainbows, sunshine, and superficial and Jaekyung is getting sick of it. She hates how her world was so fake when there was a crisis going on outside. She longs for a place where she can be free of these restraints, even if it means facing the monsters beyond the gates. 
She's fake, but she hates fakeness. She's a hypocrite, but she hates contradiction. She lies about her true self, but she hates liars. She has a big elitist complex where she thinks she's better than these fake, ignorant pricks at her camp because she hates it there, but ultimately she is the same as them because she conforms with their society. So she has a bit of self-hate going on in her system.

Even though she's an apathetic, she hates to half- anything - she goes all in. And she doesn't believe in formalities dependent on age. Even if you are her unni, she won't call you "unni" unless she respects you. Of course, on the surface level, she will call you unni but not in her mind. Because she was raised to be someone with manners, it comes as second nature to her and she hates herself for it. For example if there are chairs that aren't pushed in, Jaekyung will push them in without a second thought, but then slap herself afterwards. 
What camp are you from: Camp 2
Background: Jaekyung was born and raised in the upper class of society. Her status didn't change even after hit the fan, but she wishes that it did. Lived as a typical rich kid her entire life - everything she wanted, she got no matter how outrageous it was (because everyone was quick to please the little Miss). There was no opposition in her life and she was bored. She was raised to be charming and friendly, but she was dying on the inside. She is not close with her parents, as they are busy with their own lives, but she has a younger brother. He is the only one she loves and cares about deeply - even more than herself. For him, she would do anything. So when he decides to go outside the gates because he hates life at Camp 2, she follows him so that he won't be alone. So taking whatever necessities they need and a two handguns from their father's study, the siblings left their camp.
The reason why she has come to hate her camp so much is when her best friend, Eunhye and her family suddenly disappeared from Camp 2 when she was younger. She asked questions, but no one would answer her. But she found out the truth when she overheard when her parents were throwing a dinner party at her house when some people were gossiping. Eunhye's family was not considered of the correct social class to be living in the camp, so they kicked her out to a lower camp. From then on, she started to spite the community who can ruin a whole families life, but can easily laugh the next day. It devastated her more when she found out that her parents were the ones who were pushing the relocation of Eunhye's family.

Likes: Sleeping (sleeps like a dead log), the outdoors (running outside and sweating helps remind her that she's alive and she likes the pain of working her muscles), swearing (because she isn't allowed to on a regular basis, she does it as much as she can when no one is around), challenges and pushing herself to the limit
Dislikes: Hypocrites, liars, fakeness, smiling, -ups, dresses her maids make her wear, fairytales
- She doesn't eat very well - she doesn't get hungry often in the first place and goes for days without eating. On the other hand, she loves drinking water.
- She uses her right hand for everything except to write (lol did you see my pun)
- Reads on a daily basis and always keeps a book with her.
- She used to cut herself to remind herself that there is such a thing as pain, but then her brother found out and now she runs for miles a day in place of it. Not stopping until her lungs ache and her legs are about to collapse.
- She has a habit of biting her tongue when she sees or hears something she doesn't like.

Weaknesses and Strengths

If you were to be eaten by a monster, how much will be in your pants?: 7 
How well do you work under pressure: 8
Do you have knowledge in fighting or with weapons and which ones: No previous knowledge. She wasn't even allowed to use a kitchen knife, but has read a lot about weapons and self-defense, so she knows the jist of it.
Ultimate weakness: Her brother. After he dies, any physical contact makes her freeze up momentarily.
Brain power: 9 - cause she reads a lot
Temper level: Before leaving - 9 Beyond the gates - 4
What role would you play in the group: Cold and apathetic prick
How affected are you by death: Depends on the person, but generally she is not.
How well do you get along with others? Are you more of a lone wolf?: She wishes she could be a lone wolf, but she knows that her chance of survival will be greater if she gets along with people. So she reluctantly does.
How well do you get along with Eris?: Jaekyung doesn't particularly care about her, but acknowledges the way she handles herself in tight situations.
I'm a when it comes to training, how likely are you to walk out?: Not likely. She's dreamed of challenges and now that she has one, she won't back out.
If I were to rub myself in vaseline and pretend to be a slug, would you join me: Jaekyung would giggle, but would be secretly judging you about what an idiot you are. She definitely would not join you and your stupid activity. 

Your family that will probably die lol

Family members: 
(Father) Lee Gukjin; 47; she doesn't care
(Mother) Song Mira; 43; she doesn't care
(Brother) Lee Jaehan; 15; she would be devastated and go crazy because she would be blind with rage/sorrow.

Best friend: 
1. Moon Jongup - On surface level, they get along fine since they always smile, but Jaekyung is irritated inside because he ALWAYS smiles and seems genuine about every one of them. But is it irritation or envy? He is very friendly and does his best to get her to open up - he knows there's another side of her past that smile because he has one too. They are polite to each other and a little awkward, but Jongup is the closest person she has in the camp. As she opens up, she shows some of her more negative qualities (swearing, passing judgement out loud) and he's delighted and begins to show some of his more sadistic qualities himself. Beyond his smile lies a whole darker persona.
2. Jung Daehyun - Jaekyung is surprised that such an emotional boy (he would cry if a dog on the street died) was able to survive so far since the outbreak, but her suspicions are blown away once she sees him fighting one of the monsters - his soft personality turns a 180 and a cold-blooded killer comes out. She fascinated by such a change in character. She wants to know how he does that and is curious about Daehyun as a person. Through his friendly demeanor, she is able to start being more genuine with her actions and much to her surprise, starts crying if she saw a dog dying on the side of the street. He has made her into a softer person, but she doesn't know if she likes that or not.
3. Yoo Youngjae - She hated his guts and how verbal he was about everything. If there was something that he didn't like, he would not be shy to say so. And from day one, he announced that he did not like Jaekyung. This irked her because everyone is charmed by her outward appearance. But knowing that there was someone who wasn't was also a relief because now she can be herself around him and not put up any pretenses. Youngjae is a smart-, but he gets things done, so Jaekyung respects him... a little bit. And he's smart too, so he knows how to work around tight situations.

uhh... then just the same as bestfriend c:

Other things that i need help with lol

What should the monsters/creatures be called: Skins? lol Post humans
Should they be contagious by bites/scratches and : Yes
What should the creatures weakness be?: Shoot 'em till they're not moving.
What should our group be called?: Group 12 lol i'm so bad at making names..
Should I kill people off as we go along or is that too mean: As long as it's for the story, then I'm all for it!
Happy ending or sad ending: Bittersweet

Do you get offended by me being such an lol, I curse a lot: lol nope
Comments?: if you need more pictures of the two ulzzangs, let me know~
Reccomendations?: i want to cry lol so tear-jerker scenes?
Anything I missed. I know I missed a lot lol: i don't think so
Wanna be coauthor?: sorry, i'm not good at writing this kind of genre :c which is sad because i love dystopia/post-apocalypse stories... 



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