A Haunting

Any of you guys ever see that Discovery Channel show A Haunting? I wish it was back on, I haven't seen it since I was in highschool T^T Everyday at 2:40 pm I'd come home and watch a few hour's it had left because well I was in school and missed half of it X3 But yeah it's a pretty good series.

It's about real life people who share their haunting's that they've had, and it reinacts the whole thing they've been through. Some names of actually people have been changed though, you know for identity protection and that's perfectly understandable to me. Man I used to think, it'd be cool to have a ghost in your house but this show...yeah now I don't ever want to experience what those people have been through brrrr.

I've been tempted to check out Clara Miller/Dandy (Dandy is her former name, she divorced her husband in the 80's I think?) book 'Echoes of A Haunting' she was on the episode 'Dark Forest' or something...man I'd like to check that house out, it's in Hinsdale, New York and I'm only 12 hours away from NYC so maybe if I go to Korea Town, NY I'll check out the house or something ^^

So yeah lot's of crazy stuff in that show, lots of crazy stuff. I'm a fan of the supernatural, I'm just fascinated with ghosts/spirits. I wonder what's keeping them here, why can't they move on? You know stuff like that.

But yeah this is a VERY good show.

Thankfully some episodes are on Youtube but 'Dark Forest' is my favorite one, stupid me though watched it late at night once at midnight once though and got spooked for the rest of the night XD



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Sounds creepy. I'm a scaredy cat. > <
I love that show! :D I'll have to try to find that episode ^^
Great. You just have to tell me how the show goes in the middle of the night don't you. -____-
Even though I kinda like supernatural things but I'm afraid of ghosts. *shrugs*
Now my brain is imagining what will happen to me.
Thanks so much for the information. *sarcasm*
-jeiraz #4
The supernatural pulls you in.
It's addicting.
Nuff said.