Do you read my blog posts?

I was thinking today while trying to take a nap...

I kind of post a lot of blog posts lately because I'm too busy to write stories and I'm having a writer's block, but I still wanna keep in touch with you guys.

But I was wondering... do people actually care about what I post and do people read my blogs? I know some of you are because you comment every time.  I love you! But are they interesting at least a bit? Or ar they like history class in school?

Also I was thinking to tell you about the first time I confessed[which is also going to be the last, LOL] so, should I do it or not? :D

If you are a silent reader, please say, I'm only gonna love you forever.


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hahah you don't even need to know my comment because its always the same haah YOUR AMAZING!!
Moomintroll #2
i read your blogs and they are interesting "Sorry for partyyyy rockiiiing" :D :D :D :D
Hey! Of course I read your blogs! You are amazing, funny and witty! Not to mention a superb writer! And yes I would like to hear about your confession. Well only if you want to. I know that it can very uncomfortable to do so.
YAH! Why wouldn't I read them? Aren't you my friend? Shouldn't I keep in touch with you? Huh?...OF COURSE I READ THEM! Silly! *giggles*